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secret (version 1.1.0)

add_user: Add a new user to the vault.


By default the new user does not have access to any secrets. See add_secret() or share_secret() to give them access.


add_user(email, public_key, vault = NULL)



Email address of the user. This is used to identify users.


Public key of the user. This is used to encrypt the secrets for the different users. It can be

  • a string containing a PEM,

  • a file name that points to a PEM file,

  • a pubkey object created via the openssl package.


Vault location (starting point to find the vault). To create a vault, use create_vault() or create_package_vault(). If this is NULL, then secret tries to find the vault automatically:

  • If the secret.vault option is set to path, that is used as the starting point.

  • Otherwise, if the R_SECRET_VAULT environment variable is set to a path, that is used as a starting point.

  • Otherwise the current working directory is used as the starting point.

If the starting point is a vault, that is used. Otherwise, if the starting point is in a package tree, the inst/vault folder is used within the package. If no vault can be found, an error is thrown.

See Also

Other user functions: add_github_user(), add_travis_user(), delete_user(), list_users()


Run this code
# }
# The `secret` package contains some user keys for demonstration purposes.
# In this example, Alice shares a secret with Bob using a vault.

keys <- function(x){
  file.path(system.file("user_keys", package = "secret"), x)
alice_public  <- keys("alice.pub")
alice_private <- keys("alice.pem")
bob_public  <- keys("bob.pub")
bob_private <- keys("bob.pem")
carl_private <- keys("carl.pem")

# Create vault

vault <- file.path(tempdir(), ".vault")
if (dir.exists(vault)) unlink(vault) # ensure vault is empty

# Add users with their public keys

add_user("alice", public_key = alice_public, vault = vault)
add_user("bob", public_key = bob_public, vault = vault)
list_users(vault = vault)

# Share a secret

secret <- list(username = "user123", password = "Secret123!")

add_secret("secret", value = secret, users = c("alice", "bob"),
           vault = vault)
list_secrets(vault = vault)

# Alice and Bob can decrypt the secret with their private keys
# Note that you would not normally have access to the private key
# of any of your collaborators!

get_secret("secret", key = alice_private, vault = vault)
get_secret("secret", key = bob_private, vault = vault)

# But Carl can't decrypt the secret

  get_secret("secret", key = carl_private, vault = vault)

# Unshare the secret

unshare_secret("secret", users = "bob", vault = vault)
  get_secret("secret", key = bob_private, vault = vault)

# Delete the secret

delete_secret("secret", vault = vault)

# Delete the users

delete_user("alice", vault = vault)
delete_user("bob", vault = vault)

# }

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