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giRaph (version 0.1.2)

adjacencyMatrix-class: Class "adjacencyMatrix"


A class for adjacency matrix representation of simple-graphs


Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("adjacencyMatrix",X).


Object of class "matrix"; standard 0-1 coding for ordinary directed and undirected edges


Class "matrix", from data part. Class "structure", by class "matrix". Class "array", by class "matrix". Class "vector", by class "matrix", with explicit coerce.


signature(.Object = "adjacencyMatrix"): constructs an adjacency matrix representation of a simple-graph from a 0-1 matrix
signature(object = "adjacencyMatrix"): displays an adjacency matrix representation
signature(x = "adjacencyMatrix"): gets the character vertex identifiers of an adjacency matrix
signature(x = "adjacencyMatrix"): sets the character vertex identifiers of an adjacency matrix
signature(object = "adjacencyMatrix"): returns the number of vertices and the total number of edges (directed and undirected) in an incidence matrix
signature(object = "adjacencyMatrix"): an adjacency matrix is empty if it has no entries
signature(el = "undirectedEdge", ou = "adjacencyMatrix"): tells whether an undirected edge occurs in the graph represented by an adjacency matrix
signature(el = "directedEdge", ou = "adjacencyMatrix"): tells whether a directed edge occurs in the graph represented by an adjacency matrix
signature(x = "adjacencyMatrix", y = "adjacencyMatrix"): x and y are the same adjacency matrix if they represent the same simple-graph
signature(x = "adjacencyMatrix"): extracts the adjacency matrix of an induced subgraph
signature(x = "adjacencyMatrix"): extracts the character identifier of a vertex
signature(from = "incidenceList", to = "adjacencyMatrix"): converts an incidence list to an adjacency matrix by keeping ordinary directed and undirected edges and dropping loops and parallel edges
signature(from = "incidenceMatrix", to = "adjacencyMatrix"): converts an incidence matrix to an adjacency matrix by dropping hyper-edges, loops and parallel edges
signature(from = "adjacencyList", to = "adjacencyMatrix"): converts an adjacency list to an adjacency matrix by dropping loops and parallel edges
signature(e1 = "adjacencyMatrix", e2 = "vertexSet"): adds a vertex set to an adjacency matrix by making the new vertices isolated
signature(e1 = "adjacencyMatrix", e2 = "vertexSet"): removes a vertex set from an adjacency matrix by dropping all edges involving the vertex set
signature(e1 = "adjacencyMatrix", e2 = "undirectedEdge"): adds an ordinary undirected edge (not a loop) to an adjacency matrix
signature(e1 = "adjacencyMatrix", e2 = "directedEdge"): adds an ordinary directed edge to an adjacency matrix
signature(e1 = "adjacencyMatrix", e2 = "undirectedEdge"): removes an undirected edge from an adjacency matrix
signature(e1 = "adjacencyMatrix", e2 = "directedEdge"): removes a directed edge from an adjacency matrix
signature(e1 = "adjacencyMatrix", e2 = "vertexSet"): restricts an adjacency matrix to a vertex set by dropping all edges involving vertices outside the vertex set


All input non-zero diagonal entries are silently changed to zero by the constructor.

See Also

adjacencyMatrix and simpleGraph-class