## =============================================================================
## EXAMPLE 1: Testing the various methods - moving a square pulse
## use of advection.1D
## The tests as in Pietrzak
## =============================================================================
# Model formulation #
model <- function (t, y, parms,...) {
adv <- advection.1D(y, v = v, dx = dx,
C.up = y[n], C.down = y[1], ...) # out on one side -> in at other
# Parameters #
n <- 100
dx <- 100/n
y <- c(rep(1, 5), rep(2, 20), rep(1, n-25))
v <- 2
times <- 0:300 # 3 times out and in
# model solution #
## a plotting function
plotfun <- function (Out, ...) {
plot(Out[1, -1], type = "l", col = "red", ylab = "y", xlab = "x", ...)
lines(Out[nrow(Out), 2:(1+n)])
# courant number = 2
pm <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
## third order TVD, quickest limiter
out <- ode.1D(y = y, times = times, func = model, parms = 0, hini = 1,
method = "euler", nspec = 1, adv.method = "quick")
plotfun(out, main = "quickest, euler")
## third-order ustream-biased polynomial
out2 <- ode.1D(y = y, times = times, func = model, parms = 0, hini = 1,
method = "euler", nspec = 1, adv.method = "p3")
plotfun(out2, main = "p3, euler")
## third order TVD, superbee limiter
out3 <- ode.1D(y = y, times = times, func = model, parms = 0, hini = 1,
method = "euler", nspec = 1, adv.method = "super")
plotfun(out3, main = "superbee, euler")
## third order TVD, muscl limiter
out4 <- ode.1D(y = y, times = times, func = model, parms = 0, hini = 1,
method = "euler", nspec = 1, adv.method = "muscl")
plotfun(out4, main = "muscl, euler")
## =============================================================================
## upstream, different time-steps , i.e. different courant number
## =============================================================================
out <- ode.1D(y = y, times = times, func = model, parms = 0,
method = "euler", nspec = 1, adv.method = "up")
plotfun(out, main = "upstream, courant number = 2")
out2 <- ode.1D(y = y, times = times, func = model, parms = 0, hini = 0.5,
method = "euler", nspec = 1, adv.method = "up")
plotfun(out2, main = "upstream, courant number = 1")
## Now muscl scheme, velocity against x-axis
y <- rev(c(rep(0, 5), rep(1, 20), rep(0, n-25)))
v <- -2.0
out6 <- ode.1D(y = y, times = times, func = model, parms = 0, hini = 1,
method = "euler", nspec = 1, adv.method = "muscl")
plotfun(out6, main = "muscl, reversed velocity, , courant number = 1")
image(out6, mfrow = NULL)
par(mfrow = pm)
## =============================================================================
## EXAMPLE 2: moving a square pulse in a widening river
## use of advection.volume.1D
## =============================================================================
# Model formulation #
river.model <- function (t=0, C, pars = NULL, ...) {
tran <- advection.volume.1D(C = C, C.up = 0,
flow = flow, V = Volume,...)
return(list(dCdt = tran$dC, F.down = tran$F.down, F.up = tran$F.up))
# Parameters #
# Initialising morphology river:
nbox <- 100 # number of grid cells
lengthRiver <- 100000 # [m]
BoxLength <- lengthRiver / nbox # [m]
Distance <- seq(BoxLength/2, by = BoxLength, len = nbox) # [m]
# Cross sectional area: sigmoid function of distance [m2]
CrossArea <- 4000 + 72000 * Distance^5 /(Distance^5+50000^5)
# Volume of boxes (m3)
Volume <- CrossArea*BoxLength
# Transport coefficients
flow <- 1000*24*3600 # m3/d, main river upstream inflow
# Model solution #
pm <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
# a square pulse
yini <- c(rep(10, 10), rep(0, nbox-10))
## third order TVD, muscl limiter
Conc <- ode.1D(y = yini, fun = river.model, method = "euler", hini = 1,
parms = NULL, nspec = 1, times = 0:40, adv.method = "muscl")
image(Conc, main = "muscl", mfrow = NULL)
plot(Conc[30, 2:(1+nbox)], type = "l", lwd = 2, xlab = "x", ylab = "C",
main = "muscl after 30 days")
## simple upstream differencing
Conc2<- ode.1D(y = yini, fun = river.model, method = "euler", hini = 1,
parms = NULL, nspec = 1, times = 0:40, adv.method = "up")
image(Conc2, main = "upstream", mfrow = NULL)
plot(Conc2[30, 2:(1+nbox)], type = "l", lwd = 2, xlab = "x", ylab = "C",
main = "upstream after 30 days")
par(mfrow = pm)
# Note: the more sophisticated the scheme, the more mass lost/created
# increase tolerances to improve this.
CC <- Conc[ , 2:(1+nbox)]
MASS <- t(CC)*Volume
## =============================================================================
## EXAMPLE 3: A steady-state solution
## use of advection.volume.1D
## =============================================================================
Sink <- function (t, y, parms, ...) {
C1 <- y[1:N]
C2 <- y[(N+1):(2*N)]
C3 <- y[(2*N+1):(3*N)]
# Rate of change= Flux gradient and first-order consumption
# upstream can be implemented in two ways:
dC1 <- advection.1D(C1, v = sink, dx = dx,
C.up = 100, adv.method = "up", ...)$dC - decay*C1
# same, using tran.1D
# dC1 <- tran.1D(C1, v = sink, dx = dx,
# C.up = 100, D = 0)$dC -
# decay*C1
dC2 <- advection.1D(C2, v = sink, dx = dx,
C.up = 100, adv.method = "p3", ...)$dC -
dC3 <- advection.1D(C3, v = sink, dx = dx,
C.up = 100, adv.method = "muscl", ...)$dC -
list(c(dC1, dC2, dC3))
N <- 10
L <- 1000
dx <- L/N # thickness of boxes
sink <- 10
decay <- 0.1
out <- steady.1D(runif(3*N), func = Sink, names = c("C1", "C2", "C3"),
parms = NULL, nspec = 3, bandwidth = 2)
matplot(out$y, 1:N, type = "l", ylim = c(10, 0), lwd = 2,
main = "Steady-state")
legend("bottomright", col = 1:3, lty = 1:3,
c("upstream", "p3", "muscl"))
# }
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