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pointblank (version 0.7.0)

affix_datetime: Put the current date-time into a file name


This function helps to affix the current date-time to a filename. This is useful when writing agent and/or informant objects to disk as part of a continuous process. The date-time string can be based on the current UTC time or the local system time. The date-time can be affixed either to the end of the filename (before the file extension) or at the beginning with a customizable delimiter. Optionally, the time zone information can be included. If the date-time is based on the local system time, the user system time zone is shown with the format <time>(+/-)hhmm. If using UTC time, then the <time>Z format is adopted.

The x_write_disk(), yaml_write() functions allow for the writing of pointblank objects to disk. The modification of the filename string takes effect immediately but not at the time of writing a file to disk. In most cases, especially when using affix_datetime() with the aforementioned file-writing functions, the file timestamps should approximate the time components affixed to the filenames.


  position = c("end", "start"),
  format = "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S",
  delimiter = "_",
  utc_time = TRUE,
  add_tz = FALSE



The filename to modify.


Where to place the formatted date-time. This could either be at the "end" of the filename (the default) or at the "start".


A base::strptime() format string for formatting the date-time. By default, this is "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" which expresses the date according to the ISO 8601 standard. For example, if the current date-time is 2020-12-04 13:11:23, the formatted string would become "2020-12-04T13:11:23". Refer to the documentation on base::strptime() for conversion specifications if planning to use a different format string.


The delimiter characters to use for separating the date-time string from the original file name.


An option for whether to use the current UTC time to establish the date-time (the default, with TRUE), or, use the system's local time (FALSE).


Should the time zone (as an offset from UTC) be provided? If TRUE then the UTC offset will be either provided as <time>Z (if utc_time = TRUE) or <time>(+/-)hhmm. By default, this is FALSE.


A character vector.

Function ID


See Also

The affix_date() function provides the same features except it produces a date string by default.

Other Utility and Helper Functions: affix_date(), col_schema(), from_github(), has_columns(), stop_if_not()


Run this code
# Taking the generic `pb_file` name for
# a file, we add the current date-time to it
# as a suffix
affix_datetime(filename = "pb_file")

# File extensions won't get in the way:
affix_datetime(filename = "pb_file.rds")

# The date-time can be used as a prefix
  filename = "pb_file",
  position = "start"

# The date-time pattern can be changed and so
# can the delimiter
  filename = "pb_file.yml",
  format = "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S",
  delimiter = "-"

# Time zone information can be included
  filename = "pb_file.yml",
  add_tz = TRUE

if (interactive()) {

# We can use a file-naming convention
# involving date-times when writing output
# files immediately after interrogating;
# useful when interrogating directly
# from YAML in a scheduled process
  filename = system.file(
    "yaml", "agent-small_table.yml",
    package = "pointblank"
) %>% 
    filename = affix_datetime(
      filename = "small_table_agent.rds",
      delimiter = "-"
    keep_tbl = TRUE,
    keep_extracts = TRUE


# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab