## The following example is adopted from Veleda et al, 2012:
series.length = 3*128*24
x1 = periodic.series(start.period = 1*24, length = series.length)
x2 = periodic.series(start.period = 2*24, length = series.length)
x3 = periodic.series(start.period = 4*24, length = series.length)
x4 = periodic.series(start.period = 8*24, length = series.length)
x5 = periodic.series(start.period = 16*24, length = series.length)
x6 = periodic.series(start.period = 32*24, length = series.length)
x7 = periodic.series(start.period = 64*24, length = series.length)
x8 = periodic.series(start.period = 128*24, length = series.length)
x = x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + 3*x5 + x6 + x7 + x8
y = x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + 3*x5 + x6 + 3*x7 + x8
if (add.noise == TRUE){
x = x + rnorm(length(x))
y = y + rnorm(length(y))
my.data = data.frame(x=x, y=y)
ts.plot(ts(my.data$x, start=0, frequency=24),
ts(my.data$y, start=0, frequency=24),
type="l", col=1:2,
xlab="time (days)", ylab="hourly data",
main="a series of hourly data with periods of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128 days",
sub="(different amplitudes at periods 16 and 64)")
legend("topright", legend=c("x","y"), col=1:2, lty=1)
## computation of cross-wavelet power and wavelet coherence:
my.wc = analyze.coherency(my.data, c("x","y"), loess.span=0,
dt=1/24, dj=1/20,
window.size.t=1, window.size.s=1/2,
make.pval=T, n.sim=10)
## plot of cross-wavelet power (with color breakpoints according to quantiles):
wc.image(my.wc, timelab="time (days)", periodlab="period (days)",
main="cross-wavelet power",
legend.params=list(lab="cross-wavelet power levels"))
## plot of average cross-wavelet power:
## plot of wavelet coherence (with color breakpoints according to quantiles):
wc.image(my.wc, which.image="wc", timelab="time (days)", periodlab="period (days)",
main="wavelet coherence",
legend.params=list(lab="wavelet coherence levels", lab.line=3.5, label.digits=3))
## plot of average coherence:
wc.avg(my.wc, which.avg="wc", legend.coords="topleft")
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