Depicts the process of least squares estimation by plotting the least squares function with respect to a vector of estimate possibilities., poss=NULL, parameter = "mu", est.lty = 2, est.col = 2,
conv=diff(range(X))/50, anim=TRUE, plot.lsfunc = TRUE, plot.res = TRUE,
interval=0.01, xlab=expression(paste("Estimates for ", italic(E),
"(",italic(X),")", sep = "")),...)
A numeric vector containing sample data.
An ordered numeric sequence of possible parameter estimates. Inclusion of the least squares estimate in the vector (e.g. \(\bar{X}\) for \(\mu\) will cause the least squares function be minimized at this value.
Parameter to be estimated. Only estimation for E(X) is currently implemented. Note that if X ~ N(\(\mu\),\(\sigma^2\)) then E(X) = \(\mu\).
Line type to be used to indicate the least squares estimate.
Line color to be used to indicate the least squares estimate.
Precision of LS function. Decreasing conv
increases the smoothness and precision of the function.
A logical command indicating whether animation should be used in plots.
A logical command indicating whether the least-squares function should be plotted.
A logical command indicating whether a plot of residuals should be created.
Speed of animation (in frames per second). A smaller interval decreases speed. May not work in all systems; see Sys.sleep
X-axis label.
Additional arguments to plot
A plot of the least squares function is returned along with the least squares estimate for E(X) given a set of possibilities. The function
provides a GUI to run the function.
# }
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