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NLP (version 0.1-11)

annotate: Annotate text strings


Compute annotations by iteratively calling the given annotators with the given text and current annotations, and merging the newly computed annotations with the current ones.


annotate(s, f, a = Annotation())



a String object, or something coercible to this using as.String (e.g., a character string with appropriate encoding information)


an Annotator or Annotator_Pipeline object, or something coercible to the latter via as.Annotator_Pipeline() (such as a list of annotator objects).


an Annotation object giving the annotations to start with.


An annotation object containing the iteratively computed and merged annotations.


Run this code
## A simple text.
s <- String("  First sentence.  Second sentence.  ")
##           ****5****0****5****0****5****0****5**

## A very trivial sentence tokenizer.
sent_tokenizer <-
function(s) {
    s <- as.String(s)
    m <- gregexpr("[^[:space:]][^.]*\\.", s)[[1L]]
    Span(m, m + attr(m, "match.length") - 1L)
## (Could also use Regexp_Tokenizer() with the above regexp pattern.)
## A simple sentence token annotator based on the sentence tokenizer.
sent_token_annotator <- Simple_Sent_Token_Annotator(sent_tokenizer)

## Annotate sentence tokens.
a1 <- annotate(s, sent_token_annotator)

## A very trivial word tokenizer.
word_tokenizer <-
function(s) {
    s <- as.String(s)
    ## Remove the last character (should be a period when using
    ## sentences determined with the trivial sentence tokenizer).
    s <- substring(s, 1L, nchar(s) - 1L)
    ## Split on whitespace separators.
    m <- gregexpr("[^[:space:]]+", s)[[1L]]
    Span(m, m + attr(m, "match.length") - 1L)
## A simple word token annotator based on the word tokenizer.
word_token_annotator <- Simple_Word_Token_Annotator(word_tokenizer)

## Annotate word tokens using the already available sentence token
## annotations.
a2 <- annotate(s, word_token_annotator, a1)

## Can also perform sentence and word token annotations in a pipeline:
p <- Annotator_Pipeline(sent_token_annotator, word_token_annotator)
annotate(s, p)
# }

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