## 1: Specifying ANOVAs ##
# Example using a purely within-subjects design
# (Maxwell & Delaney, 2004, Chapter 12, Table 12.5, p. 578):
aov_ez("id", "rt", md_12.1, within = c("angle", "noise"),
anova_table=list(correction = "none", es = "none"))
# Default output
aov_ez("id", "rt", md_12.1, within = c("angle", "noise"))
# examples using obk.long (see ?obk.long), a long version of the OBrienKaiser dataset (car package).
# Data is a split-plot or mixed design: contains both within- and between-subjects factors.
data(obk.long, package = "afex")
# estimate mixed ANOVA on the full design:
aov_car(value ~ treatment * gender + Error(id/(phase*hour)),
data = obk.long, observed = "gender")
aov_4(value ~ treatment * gender + (phase*hour|id),
data = obk.long, observed = "gender")
aov_ez("id", "value", obk.long, between = c("treatment", "gender"),
within = c("phase", "hour"), observed = "gender")
# the three calls return the same ANOVA table:
# Anova Table (Type 3 tests)
# Response: value
# Effect df MSE F ges p.value
# 1 treatment 2, 10 22.81 3.94 + .20 .05
# 2 gender 1, 10 22.81 3.66 + .11 .08
# 3 treatment:gender 2, 10 22.81 2.86 .18 .10
# 4 phase 1.60, 15.99 5.02 16.13 *** .15 .0003
# 5 treatment:phase 3.20, 15.99 5.02 4.85 * .10 .01
# 6 gender:phase 1.60, 15.99 5.02 0.28 .003 .71
# 7 treatment:gender:phase 3.20, 15.99 5.02 0.64 .01 .61
# 8 hour 1.84, 18.41 3.39 16.69 *** .13 <.0001
# 9 treatment:hour 3.68, 18.41 3.39 0.09 .002 .98
# 10 gender:hour 1.84, 18.41 3.39 0.45 .004 .63
# 11 treatment:gender:hour 3.68, 18.41 3.39 0.62 .01 .64
# 12 phase:hour 3.60, 35.96 2.67 1.18 .02 .33
# 13 treatment:phase:hour 7.19, 35.96 2.67 0.35 .009 .93
# 14 gender:phase:hour 3.60, 35.96 2.67 0.93 .01 .45
# 15 treatment:gender:phase:hour 7.19, 35.96 2.67 0.74 .02 .65
# Sphericity correction method: GG
# ---
# Signif. codes: 0 <U+2018>***<U+2019> 0.001 <U+2018>**<U+2019> 0.01 <U+2018>*<U+2019> 0.05 <U+2018>+<U+2019> 0.1 <U+2018> <U+2019> 1
# "numeric" variables are per default converted to factors (as long as factorize = TRUE):
obk.long$hour2 <- as.numeric(as.character(obk.long$hour))
# gives same results as calls before
aov_car(value ~ treatment * gender + Error(id/phase*hour2),
data = obk.long, observed = c("gender"))
# ANCOVA: adding a covariate (necessary to set factorize = FALSE)
aov_car(value ~ treatment * gender + age + Error(id/(phase*hour)),
data = obk.long, observed = c("gender", "age"), factorize = FALSE)
aov_4(value ~ treatment * gender + age + (phase*hour|id),
data = obk.long, observed = c("gender", "age"), factorize = FALSE)
aov_ez("id", "value", obk.long, between = c("treatment", "gender"),
within = c("phase", "hour"), covariate = "age",
observed = c("gender", "age"), factorize = FALSE)
# aggregating over one within-subjects factor (phase), with warning:
aov_car(value ~ treatment * gender + Error(id/hour), data = obk.long, observed = "gender")
aov_ez("id", "value", obk.long, c("treatment", "gender"), "hour", observed = "gender")
# aggregating over both within-subjects factors (again with warning),
# only between-subjects factors:
aov_car(value ~ treatment * gender + Error(id), data = obk.long, observed = c("gender"))
aov_4(value ~ treatment * gender + (1|id), data = obk.long, observed = c("gender"))
aov_ez("id", "value", obk.long, between = c("treatment", "gender"), observed = "gender")
# only within-subject factors (ignoring between-subjects factors)
aov_car(value ~ Error(id/(phase*hour)), data = obk.long)
aov_4(value ~ (phase*hour|id), data = obk.long)
aov_ez("id", "value", obk.long, within = c("phase", "hour"))
### changing defaults of ANOVA table:
# no df-correction & partial eta-squared:
aov_car(value ~ treatment * gender + Error(id/(phase*hour)),
data = obk.long, anova_table = list(correction = "none", es = "pes"))
# no df-correction and no MSE
aov_car(value ~ treatment * gender + Error(id/(phase*hour)),
data = obk.long,observed = "gender",
anova_table = list(correction = "none", MSE = FALSE))
# add p-value adjustment for all effects (see Cramer et al., 2015, PB&R)
aov_ez("id", "value", obk.long, between = "treatment",
within = c("phase", "hour"),
anova_table = list(p_adjust_method = "holm"))
## 2: Follow-up Analysis ##
# use data as above
data(obk.long, package = "afex")
# 1. obtain afex_aov object:
a1 <- aov_ez("id", "value", obk.long, between = c("treatment", "gender"),
within = c("phase", "hour"), observed = "gender")
library("emmeans") # package emmeans needs to be attached for follow-up tests.
# 1b. plot data (per default with ggplot2):
emmip(a1, gender ~ hour | treatment+phase)
## add univariate CIs:
emmip(a1, gender ~ hour | treatment+phase, CIs = TRUE)
## add multivariate CIs
emmip(a1, gender ~ hour | treatment+phase, CIs = TRUE,
model = "multivariate")
# use lattice instead of ggplot2 (which has no CIs):
emm_options(graphics.engine = "lattice")
emmip(a1, gender ~ hour | treatment+phase)
emm_options(graphics.engine = "ggplot") # reset options
# 2. obtain reference grid object (default uses univariate model):
r1 <- emmeans(a1, ~treatment +phase)
# multivariate model may be more appropriate
r1 <- emmeans(a1, ~treatment +phase, model = "multivariate")
# 3. create list of contrasts on the reference grid:
c1 <- list(
A_B_pre = c(rep(0, 6), 0, -1, 1), # A versus B for pretest
A_B_comb = c(-0.5, 0.5, 0, -0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0), # A vs. B for post and follow-up combined
effect_post = c(0, 0, 0, -1, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 0), # control versus A&B post
effect_fup = c(-1, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), # control versus A&B follow-up
effect_comb = c(-0.5, 0.25, 0.25, -0.5, 0.25, 0.25, 0, 0, 0) # control versus A&B combined
# 4. test contrasts on reference grid:
contrast(r1, c1)
# same as before, but using Bonferroni-Holm correction for multiple testing:
contrast(r1, c1, adjust = "holm")
# 2. (alternative): all pairwise comparisons of treatment:
emmeans(a1, "treatment", contr = "pairwise", model = "multivariate")
## set multivariate models globally:
# afex_options(emmeans_model = "multivariate")
## 3: Other examples ##
data(obk.long, package = "afex")
# replicating ?Anova using aov_car:
obk_anova <- aov_car(value ~ treatment * gender + Error(id/(phase*hour)),
data = obk.long, type = 2)
# in contrast to aov you do not need the within-subject factors outside Error()
str(obk_anova, 1, give.attr = FALSE)
# List of 5
# $ anova_table:Classes <U+2018>anova<U+2019> and 'data.frame': 15 obs. of 6 variables:
# $ aov :List of 5
# $ Anova :List of 14
# $ lm :List of 13
# $ data :List of 3
## Type II Repeated Measures MANOVA Tests: Pillai test statistic
## Df test stat approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F)
## (Intercept) 1 0.970 318 1 10 0.0000000065 ***
## treatment 2 0.481 5 2 10 0.03769 *
## gender 1 0.204 3 1 10 0.14097
## treatment:gender 2 0.364 3 2 10 0.10447
## phase 1 0.851 26 2 9 0.00019 ***
## treatment:phase 2 0.685 3 4 20 0.06674 .
## gender:phase 1 0.043 0 2 9 0.82000
## treatment:gender:phase 2 0.311 1 4 20 0.47215
## hour 1 0.935 25 4 7 0.00030 ***
## treatment:hour 2 0.301 0 8 16 0.92952
## gender:hour 1 0.293 1 4 7 0.60237
## treatment:gender:hour 2 0.570 1 8 16 0.61319
## phase:hour 1 0.550 0 8 3 0.83245
## treatment:phase:hour 2 0.664 0 16 8 0.99144
## gender:phase:hour 1 0.695 1 8 3 0.62021
## treatment:gender:phase:hour 2 0.793 0 16 8 0.97237
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# }
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