approx_areas: Approximate area sizes of the shapes
Approximate the area sizes of the polygons either in 1) absolute numbers based on the polygon coordinates, 2) proportional numbers, 3) normalized numbers and 4) squared units (e.g. kilometers).
approx_areas(shp, unit = "km", unit.size = 1000, total.area = NA)
one of
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
The default method is "km".
size of the unit in terms of coordinate units. The coordinate system of many projections is approximately in meters while thematic maps typically range many kilometers, so by default unit="km" and unit.size=1000 (meaning 1 kilome
total area size of shp in number of squared units (by default kilometers). Useful if the total area of the shp differs from a reference total area value.
Numeric vector of area sizes.
To approximate the sizes in squared units, either the total.area or the unit.size is required. Note that this method is an approximation, since it depends on the used projection and the level of detail of the SpatialPolygons object. Projections with equal-area property are highly recommended.