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spatstat (version 1.59-0)

as.ppm: Extract Fitted Point Process Model


Extracts the fitted point process model from some kind of fitted model.



# S3 method for ppm as.ppm(object)

# S3 method for profilepl as.ppm(object)

# S3 method for kppm as.ppm(object)

# S3 method for dppm as.ppm(object)



An object that includes a fitted Poisson or Gibbs point process model. An object of class "ppm", "profilepl", "kppm" or "dppm" or possibly other classes.


An object of class "ppm".


The function as.ppm extracts the fitted point process model (of class "ppm") from a suitable object.

The function as.ppm is generic, with methods for the classes "ppm", "profilepl", "kppm" and "dppm", and possibly for other classes.

For the class "profilepl" of models fitted by maximum profile pseudolikelihood, the method as.ppm.profilepl extracts the fitted point process model (with the optimal values of the irregular parameters).

For the class "kppm" of models fitted by minimum contrast (or Palm or composite likelihood) using Waagepetersen's two-step estimation procedure (see kppm), the method as.ppm.kppm extracts the Poisson point process model that is fitted in the first stage of the procedure.

The behaviour for the class "dppm" is analogous to the "kppm" case above.

See Also

ppm, profilepl.


Run this code
   # fit a model by profile maximum pseudolikelihood
   rvals <- data.frame(r=(1:10)/100)
   pfit <- profilepl(rvals, Strauss, cells, ~1)
   # extract the fitted model
   fit <- as.ppm(pfit)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab