as_hux_table: Convert gtsummary object to a huxtable object
Function converts a gtsummary object to a huxtable object.
A user can use this function if they wish to add customized formatting
available via the huxtable functions. The huxtable package supports output
to PDF via LaTeX, as well as HTML and Word.
Commands to include in output. Input may be a vector of
quoted or unquoted names. tidyselect and gtsummary select helper
functions are also accepted.
Default is everything().
Logical. Default is FALSE. If TRUE, the calls are returned
as a list of expressions.
File path for the output.
logical indicating whether to bold header rows.
Default is TRUE
A huxtable object
Excel Output
Use the as_hux_xlsx() function to save a copy of the table in an excel file.
The file is saved using huxtable::quick_xlsx().