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ggtern (version

theme_elements: New Theme Elements


ggtern creates many new theme elements and inheritances, the following is an outline:


theme(..., complete = FALSE)


a list of element name, element pairings that modify the existing theme.
set this to TRUE if this is a complete theme, such as the one returned by theme_grey(). Complete themes behave differently when added to a ggplot object.

New/Additional Inheritance Structures

[results=rd,stage=build]{ggtern:::rd_theme()} ** NB: panel.background.tern, whilst the ternary area is 'triangular' per-se, element_rect has been used, as it actually holds NO information regarding the geometry (width, height), only fill, color, size and linetype border (ie the style of how it will be rendered). *** NB: ternary.options has been fully Depreciated since ggtern version


Theme elements can inherit properties from other theme elements. For example, axis.title.x inherits from axis.title, which in turn inherits from text. All text elements inherit directly or indirectly from text; all lines inherit from line, and all rectangular objects inherit from rect.

Modifying the newly created items requires the same procedures as introduced in the ggplot2 theme documentation. Some convenience functions have been also newly created, proceed to convenience for additional information.