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require(stats) # for rnorm
plot(1:4, rnorm(4), axes = FALSE)
axis(1, 1:4, LETTERS[1:4])
box() #- to make it look "as usual"
plot(1:7, rnorm(7), main = "axis() examples",
type = "s", xaxt = "n", frame = FALSE, col = "red")
axis(1, 1:7, LETTERS[1:7], col.axis = "blue")
# unusual options:
axis(4, col = "violet", col.axis = "dark violet", lwd = 2)
axis(3, col = "gold", lty = 2, lwd = 0.5)
# one way to have a custom x axis
plot(1:10, xaxt = "n")
axis(1, xaxp = c(2, 9, 7))
## Changing default gap between labels:
plot(0:100, type="n", axes=FALSE, ann=FALSE)
title(quote("axis(1, .., gap.axis = f)," ~~ f >= 0))
axis(2, at = 5*(0:20), las = 1, gap.axis = 1/4)
gaps <- c(4, 2, 1, 1/2, 1/4, 0.1, 0)
chG <- paste0(ifelse(gaps == 1, "default: ", ""),
"gap.axis=", formatC(gaps))
jj <- seq_along(gaps)
linG <- -2.5*(jj-1)
for(j in jj) {
isD <- gaps[j] == 1 # is default
axis (1, at=5*(0:20), gap.axis = gaps[j], padj=-1, line = linG[j],
col.axis = if(isD) "forest green" else 1, font.axis= 1+isD)
mtext(chG, side=1, padj=-1, line = linG -1/2, cex=3/4,
col = ifelse(gaps == 1, "forest green", "blue3"))
## now shrink the window (in x- and y-direction) and observe the axis labels drawn
# }
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