BBMM <- brownian.bridge(x=locations$x, y=locations$y,
time.lag=locations$time.lag[-1], location.error=20,
contours <- bbmm.contour(BBMM, levels=c(95, 99), locations=locations, plot=TRUE)
# Create a shapefile with contour lines
# Not run: library(maptools)
# Not run: library(raster)
# Not run: out <- data.frame(x=BBMM$x,y=BBMM$y,z=BBMM$probability)
# Make sure the data is properly projected
# Not run: out.raster <- rasterFromXYZ(out,crs=CRS("+proj=utm +zone=12 +datum=WGS84"),digits=2)
# Not run: raster.contour <- rasterToContour(out.raster,levels=contours$Z)
# Not run: raster.contour <- spChFIDs(raster.contour,paste(c(95, 99),"% Contour Line",sep=""))
# Not run: library(rgdal) # can't be loaded before CRS call in line above
# Not run: writeOGR(obj=raster.contour,dsn=".",layer="BBMM",driver="ESRI Shapefile")
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