betaval(.5, sd=.05)
betaval(.5, sd=.05)
## histogram with mean=0.5 and sd=0.05
x <- sapply(1:100, function(x) betaval(0.5, 0.05))
hist(x, seq(0,1,.025), col="green", ylim=c(0,25), xlab="Value",
main="Beta distribution with mean=0.5 and sd=0.05")
# generates a graph similar to Figure 8.2 A in Morris & Doak (2002:264)
# a much simpler version of BetaDemo in Box 8.3
x<-matrix(numeric(3*1000), nrow=3)
sd <-c(.05, .25, .45)
for (i in 1:3)
for (j in 1:1000)
plot(0,0,xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,0.4), type='n', ylab='Frequency',
xlab='Value', main="Examples of beta distributions")
for (i in 1:3)
h<-hist(x[i,], plot=FALSE, breaks=seq(0,1,.02) )
lines(h$mids, h$counts/1000, type='l', col=1+i, lwd=2, lty=i)
legend(0.5,0.4, c("(0.50, 0.05)", "(0.50, 0.25)", "(0.50, 0.45)"),
lty=1:3, lwd=2, col=2:4, title="mean and sd")
# }
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