## simulate observations
xy <- rbipoilog(S=30,mu1=1,mu2=1,sig1=2,sig2=2,rho=0.5)
## obtain estimates of parameters
est <- bipoilogMLE(xy)
## similar, but now with bootstrapping
## Not run: est <- bipoilogMLE(xy,nboot=10)
## change start values and request tracing information
## from optimization procedure
est <- bipoilogMLE(xy,startVals=c(2,2,4,4,0.3),
control=list(maxit=1000,trace=1, REPORT=1))
## effect of sampling intensity
xy <- rbipoilog(S=100,mu1=1,mu2=1,sig1=2,sig2=2,rho=0.5,nu1=0.5,nu2=0.5)
est <- bipoilogMLE(xy)
## the expected estimates of mu1 and mu2 are now 1-log(0.5) = 0.3 (approximately)
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