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boxcoxCensored: Boxcox Power Transformation for Type I Censored Data


Compute the value(s) of an objective for one or more Box-Cox power transformations, or to compute an optimal power transformation based on a specified objective, based on Type I censored data.


boxcoxCensored(x, censored, censoring.side = "left", 
    lambda = {if (optimize) c(-2, 2) else seq(-2, 2, by = 0.5)}, optimize = FALSE, 
    objective.name = "PPCC", eps = .Machine$double.eps, 
    include.x.and.censored = TRUE, prob.method = "michael-schucany", 
    plot.pos.con = 0.375)



a numeric vector of positive numbers. Missing (NA), undefined (NaN), and infinite (-Inf, Inf) values are allowed but will be removed.


numeric or logical vector indicating which values of x are censored. This must be the same length as x. If the mode of censored is "logical", TRUE values correspond to elements of x that are censored, and FALSE values correspond to elements of x that are not censored. If the mode of censored is "numeric", it must contain only 1's and 0's; 1 corresponds to TRUE and 0 corresponds to FALSE. Missing (NA) values are allowed but will be removed.


character string indicating on which side the censoring occurs. The possible values are "left" (the default) and "right".


numeric vector of finite values indicating what powers to use for the Box-Cox transformation. When optimize=FALSE, the default value is lambda=seq(-2, 2, by=0.5). When optimize=TRUE, lambda must be a vector with two values indicating the range over which the optimization will occur and the range of these two values must include 1. In this case, the default value is lambda=c(-2, 2).


logical scalar indicating whether to simply evalute the objective function at the given values of lambda (optimize=FALSE; the default), or to compute the optimal power transformation within the bounds specified by lambda (optimize=TRUE).


character string indicating what objective to use. The possible values are "PPCC" (probability plot correlation coefficient; the default), "Shapiro-Wilk" (the Shapiro-Wilk goodness-of-fit statistic), and "Log-Likelihood" (the log-likelihood function).


finite, positive numeric scalar. When the absolute value of lambda is less than eps, lambda is assumed to be 0 for the Box-Cox transformation. The default value is eps=.Machine$double.eps.


logical scalar indicating whether to include the finite, non-missing values of the argument x and the corresponding values of censored with the returned object. The default value is include.x.and.censored=TRUE.


for multiply censored data, character string indicating what method to use to compute the plotting positions (empirical probabilities) when objective.name="PPCC". Possible values are:

"kaplan-meier" (product-limit method of Kaplan and Meier (1958)), "modified kaplan-meier" (same as "kaplan-meier" with the maximum value included), "nelson" (hazard plotting method of Nelson (1972)), "michael-schucany" (generalization of the product-limit method due to Michael and Schucany (1986)), and "hirsch-stedinger" (generalization of the product-limit method due to Hirsch and Stedinger (1987)).

The default value is prob.method="michael-schucany".

The "nelson" method is only available for censoring.side="right", and the "modified kaplan-meier" is only available for censoring.side="left". See the DETAILS section for more explanation.

This argument is ignored if objective.name is not equal to "PPCC" and/or the data are singly censored.


for multiply censored data, numeric scalar between 0 and 1 containing the value of the plotting position constant when objective.name="PPCC". The default value is plot.pos.con=0.375. See the DETAILS section for more information. This argument is used only if prob.method is equal to "michael-schucany" or "hirsch-stedinger".

This argument is ignored if objective.name is not equal to "PPCC" and/or the data are singly censored.


boxcoxCensored returns a list of class "boxcoxCensored" containing the results. See the help file for boxcoxCensored.object for details.


Two common assumptions for several standard parametric hypothesis tests are:

  1. The observations all come from a normal distribution.

  2. The observations all come from distributions with the same variance.

For example, the standard one-sample t-test assumes all the observations come from the same normal distribution, and the standard two-sample t-test assumes that all the observations come from a normal distribution with the same variance, although the mean may differ between the two groups.

When the original data do not satisfy the above assumptions, data transformations are often used to attempt to satisfy these assumptions. Box and Cox (1964) presented a formalized method for deciding on a data transformation. Given a random variable \(X\) from some distribution with only positive values, the Box-Cox family of power transformations is defined as:

\(Y\) = \(\frac{X^\lambda - 1}{\lambda}\) \(\lambda \ne 0\)

where \(Y\) is assumed to come from a normal distribution. This transformation is continuous in \(\lambda\). Note that this transformation also preserves ordering. See the help file for boxcoxTransform for more information on data transformations.

Box and Cox (1964) proposed choosing the appropriate value of \(\lambda\) based on maximizing the likelihood function. Alternatively, an appropriate value of \(\lambda\) can be chosen based on another objective, such as maximizing the probability plot correlation coefficient or the Shapiro-Wilk goodness-of-fit statistic.

Shumway et al. (1989) investigated extending the method of Box and Cox (1964) to the case of Type I censored data, motivated by the desire to produce estimated means and confidence intervals for air monitoring data that included censored values.

In the case when optimize=TRUE, the function boxcoxCensored calls the R function nlminb to minimize the negative value of the objective (i.e., maximize the objective) over the range of possible values of \(\lambda\) specified in the argument lambda. The starting value for the optimization is always \(\lambda=1\) (i.e., no transformation).

The next section explains assumptions and notation, and the section after that explains how the objective is computed for the various options for objective.name.

Assumptions and Notation Let \(\underline{x}\) denote a random sample of \(N\) observations from some continuous distribution. Assume \(n\) (\(0 < n < N\)) of these observations are known and \(c\) (\(c=N-n\)) of these observations are all censored below (left-censored) or all censored above (right-censored) at \(k\) fixed censoring levels $$T_1, T_2, \ldots, T_K; \; K \ge 1 \;\;\;\;\;\; (2)$$ For the case when \(K \ge 2\), the data are said to be Type I multiply censored. For the case when \(K=1\), set \(T = T_1\). If the data are left-censored and all \(n\) known observations are greater than or equal to \(T\), or if the data are right-censored and all \(n\) known observations are less than or equal to \(T\), then the data are said to be Type I singly censored (Nelson, 1982, p.7), otherwise they are considered to be Type I multiply censored.

Let \(c_j\) denote the number of observations censored below or above censoring level \(T_j\) for \(j = 1, 2, \ldots, K\), so that $$\sum_{i=1}^K c_j = c \;\;\;\;\;\; (3)$$ Let \(x_{(1)}, x_{(2)}, \ldots, x_{(N)}\) denote the “ordered” observations, where now “observation” means either the actual observation (for uncensored observations) or the censoring level (for censored observations). For right-censored data, if a censored observation has the same value as an uncensored one, the uncensored observation should be placed first. For left-censored data, if a censored observation has the same value as an uncensored one, the censored observation should be placed first.

Note that in this case the quantity \(x_{(i)}\) does not necessarily represent the \(i\)'th “largest” observation from the (unknown) complete sample.

Finally, let \(\Omega\) (omega) denote the set of \(n\) subscripts in the “ordered” sample that correspond to uncensored observations, and let \(\Omega_j\) denote the set of \(c_j\) subscripts in the “ordered” sample that correspond to the censored observations censored at censoring level \(T_j\) for \(j = 1, 2, \ldots, k\).

We assume that there exists some value of \(\lambda\) such that the transformed observations

\(y_i\) = \(\frac{x_i^\lambda - 1}{\lambda}\) \(\lambda \ne 0\)

(\(i = 1, 2, \ldots, n\)) form a random sample of Type I censored data from a normal distribution.

Note that for the censored observations, Equation (4) becomes:

\(y_{(i)} = T_j^*\) = \(\frac{T_j^\lambda - 1}{\lambda}\) \(\lambda \ne 0\)

where \(i \in \Omega_j\).

Computing the Objective

Objective Based on Probability Plot Correlation Coefficient (objective.name="PPCC") When objective.name="PPCC", the objective is computed as the value of the normal probability plot correlation coefficient based on the transformed data (see the description of the Probability Plot Correlation Coefficient (PPCC) goodness-of-fit test in the help file for gofTestCensored). That is, the objective is the correlation coefficient for the normal quantile-quantile plot for the transformed data. Large values of the PPCC tend to indicate a good fit to a normal distribution.

Objective Based on Shapiro-Wilk Goodness-of-Fit Statistic (objective.name="Shapiro-Wilk") When objective.name="Shapiro-Wilk", the objective is computed as the value of the Shapiro-Wilk goodness-of-fit statistic based on the transformed data (see the description of the Shapiro-Wilk test in the help file for gofTestCensored). Large values of the Shapiro-Wilk statistic tend to indicate a good fit to a normal distribution.

Objective Based on Log-Likelihood Function (objective.name="Log-Likelihood") When objective.name="Log-Likelihood", the objective is computed as the value of the log-likelihood function. Assuming the transformed observations in Equation (4) above come from a normal distribution with mean \(\mu\) and standard deviation \(\sigma\), we can use the change of variable formula to write the log-likelihood function as follows.

For Type I left censored data, the likelihood function is given by: $$log[L(\lambda, \mu, \sigma)] = log[{N \choose c_1 c_2 \ldots c_k n}] + \sum_{j=1}^k c_j log[F(T_j^*)] + \sum_{i \in \Omega} log\{f[y_{(i)}]\} + (\lambda - 1) \sum_{i \in \Omega} log[x_{(i)}] \;\;\;\;\;\; (6)$$ where \(f\) and \(F\) denote the probability density function (pdf) and cumulative distribution function (cdf) of the population. That is, $$f(t) = \phi(\frac{t-\mu}{\sigma}) \;\;\;\;\;\; (7)$$ $$F(t) = \Phi(\frac{t-\mu}{\sigma}) \;\;\;\;\;\; (8)$$ where \(\phi\) and \(\Phi\) denote the pdf and cdf of the standard normal distribution, respectively (Shumway et al., 1989). For left singly censored data, Equation (6) simplifies to: $$log[L(\lambda, \mu, \sigma)] = log[{N \choose c}] + c log[F(T^*)] + \sum_{i = c+1}^N log\{f[y_{(i)}]\} + (\lambda - 1) \sum_{i = c+1}^N log[x_{(i)}] \;\;\;\;\;\; (9)$$

Similarly, for Type I right censored data, the likelihood function is given by: $$log[L(\lambda, \mu, \sigma)] = log[{N \choose c_1 c_2 \ldots c_k n}] + \sum_{j=1}^k c_j log[1 - F(T_j^*)] + \sum_{i \in \Omega} log\{f[y_{(i)}]\} + (\lambda - 1) \sum_{i \in \Omega} log[x_{(i)}] \;\;\;\;\;\; (10)$$ and for right singly censored data this simplifies to: $$log[L(\lambda, \mu, \sigma)] = log[{N \choose c}] + c log[1 - F(T^*)] + \sum_{i = 1}^n log\{f[y_{(i)}]\} + (\lambda - 1) \sum_{i = 1}^n log[x_{(i)}] \;\;\;\;\;\; (11)$$

For a fixed value of \(\lambda\), the log-likelihood function is maximized by replacing \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\) with their maximum likelihood estimators (see the section Maximum Likelihood Estimation in the help file for enormCensored).

Thus, when optimize=TRUE, Equation (6) or (10) is maximized by iteratively solving for \(\lambda\) using the MLEs for \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\). When optimize=FALSE, the value of the objective is computed by using Equation (6) or (10), using the values of \(\lambda\) specified in the argument lambda, and using the MLEs of \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\).


Berthouex, P.M., and L.C. Brown. (2002). Statistics for Environmental Engineers, Second Edition. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL.

Box, G.E.P., and D.R. Cox. (1964). An Analysis of Transformations (with Discussion). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 26(2), 211--252.

Cohen, A.C. (1991). Truncated and Censored Samples. Marcel Dekker, New York, New York, pp.50--59.

Draper, N., and H. Smith. (1998). Applied Regression Analysis. Third Edition. John Wiley and Sons, New York, pp.47-53.

Gilbert, R.O. (1987). Statistical Methods for Environmental Pollution Monitoring. Van Nostrand Reinhold, NY.

Helsel, D.R., and R.M. Hirsch. (1992). Statistical Methods in Water Resources Research. Elsevier, New York, NY.

Hinkley, D.V., and G. Runger. (1984). The Analysis of Transformed Data (with Discussion). Journal of the American Statistical Association 79, 302--320.

Hoaglin, D.C., F.M. Mosteller, and J.W. Tukey, eds. (1983). Understanding Robust and Exploratory Data Analysis. John Wiley and Sons, New York, Chapter 4.

Hoaglin, D.C. (1988). Transformations in Everyday Experience. Chance 1, 40--45.

Johnson, N. L., S. Kotz, and A.W. Kemp. (1992). Univariate Discrete Distributions, Second Edition. John Wiley and Sons, New York, p.163.

Johnson, R.A., and D.W. Wichern. (2007). Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Sixth Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, pp.192--195.

Shumway, R.H., A.S. Azari, and P. Johnson. (1989). Estimating Mean Concentrations Under Transformations for Environmental Data With Detection Limits. Technometrics 31(3), 347--356.

Stoline, M.R. (1991). An Examination of the Lognormal and Box and Cox Family of Transformations in Fitting Environmental Data. Environmetrics 2(1), 85--106.

van Belle, G., L.D. Fisher, Heagerty, P.J., and Lumley, T. (2004). Biostatistics: A Methodology for the Health Sciences, 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Zar, J.H. (2010). Biostatistical Analysis. Fifth Edition. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, Chapter 13.

See Also

boxcoxCensored.object, plot.boxcoxCensored, print.boxcoxCensored, boxcox, Data Transformations, Goodness-of-Fit Tests.


Run this code
  # Generate 15 observations from a lognormal distribution with 
  # mean=10 and cv=2 and censor the observations less than 2.  
  # Then generate 15 more observations from this distribution and 
  # censor the observations less than 4.  
  # Then Look at some values of various objectives for various transformations.  
  # Note that for both the PPCC objective the optimal value is about -0.3, 
  # whereas for the Log-Likelihood objective it is about 0.3.
  # (Note: the call to set.seed simply allows you to reproduce this example.)


  x.1 <- rlnormAlt(15, mean = 10, cv = 2) 
  censored.1 <- x.1 < 2
  x.1[censored.1] <- 2

  x.2 <- rlnormAlt(15, mean = 10, cv = 2) 
  censored.2 <- x.2 < 4
  x.2[censored.2] <- 4

  x <- c(x.1, x.2)
  censored <- c(censored.1, censored.2)

  # Using the PPCC objective:

  boxcoxCensored(x, censored) 

  #Results of Box-Cox Transformation
  #Based on Type I Censored Data
  #Objective Name:                  PPCC
  #Data:                            x
  #Censoring Variable:              censored
  #Censoring Side:                  left
  #Censoring Level(s):              2 4 
  #Sample Size:                     30
  #Percent Censored:                26.7%
  # lambda      PPCC
  #   -2.0 0.8954683
  #   -1.5 0.9338467
  #   -1.0 0.9643680
  #   -0.5 0.9812969
  #    0.0 0.9776834
  #    0.5 0.9471025
  #    1.0 0.8901990
  #    1.5 0.8187488
  #    2.0 0.7480494

  boxcoxCensored(x, censored, optimize = TRUE)

  #Results of Box-Cox Transformation
  #Based on Type I Censored Data
  #Objective Name:                  PPCC
  #Data:                            x
  #Censoring Variable:              censored
  #Censoring Side:                  left
  #Censoring Level(s):              2 4 
  #Sample Size:                     30
  #Percent Censored:                26.7%
  #Bounds for Optimization:         lower = -2
  #                                 upper =  2
  #Optimal Value:                   lambda = -0.3194799
  #Value of Objective:              PPCC = 0.9827546

  # Using the Log-Likelihodd objective

  boxcoxCensored(x, censored, objective.name = "Log-Likelihood") 

  #Results of Box-Cox Transformation
  #Based on Type I Censored Data
  #Objective Name:                  Log-Likelihood
  #Data:                            x
  #Censoring Variable:              censored
  #Censoring Side:                  left
  #Censoring Level(s):              2 4 
  #Sample Size:                     30
  #Percent Censored:                26.7%
  # lambda Log-Likelihood
  #   -2.0      -95.38785
  #   -1.5      -84.76697
  #   -1.0      -75.36204
  #   -0.5      -68.12058
  #    0.0      -63.98902
  #    0.5      -63.56701
  #    1.0      -66.92599
  #    1.5      -73.61638
  #    2.0      -82.87970

  boxcoxCensored(x, censored, objective.name = "Log-Likelihood", 
    optimize = TRUE) 

  #Results of Box-Cox Transformation
  #Based on Type I Censored Data
  #Objective Name:                  Log-Likelihood
  #Data:                            x
  #Censoring Variable:              censored
  #Censoring Side:                  left
  #Censoring Level(s):              2 4 
  #Sample Size:                     30
  #Percent Censored:                26.7%
  #Bounds for Optimization:         lower = -2
  #                                 upper =  2
  #Optimal Value:                   lambda = 0.3049744
  #Value of Objective:              Log-Likelihood = -63.2733


  # Plot the results based on the PPCC objective
  boxcox.list <- boxcoxCensored(x, censored)

  #Look at QQ-Plots for the candidate values of lambda
  plot(boxcox.list, plot.type = "Q-Q Plots", same.window = FALSE) 


  # Clean up
  rm(x.1, censored.1, x.2, censored.2, x, censored, boxcox.list)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab