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netdiffuseR (version 1.17.0)

brfarmers: Brazilian Farmers


From Valente (1995) “In the mid-1960s, Rogers and others conducted an ambitious ‘three country study’ to determine influences on adoption of farm practices in Nigeria, India and Brazil. [...] Only in Brazil, and only for hybrid corn, did adoption of the innovation reach more than a small proportion of the farmers.”





A data frame with 692 rows and 148 columns:


The Brazilian Farmers data were collected as part of a USAID-funded study of farming practicing in the three countries, India, Nigeria, and Brazil. There was only one wave of data that contained survey questions regarding social networks, and only in Brazil did diffusion of the studied farming innovations reach an appreciable saturation level- that was for hybrid seed corn. The data were stored along with hundreds of other datasets by the University of Wisconsin library and I, Tom Valente, paid a fee to have the disks mailed to me in the early 1990s.


The dataset has 692 respondents (farmers) from 11 communities. Collected during 1966, it spans 20 years of farming pracitices.


Rogers, E. M., Ascroft, J. R., & Röling, N. (1970). Diffusion of Innovation in Brazil, Nigeria, and India. Unpublished Report. Michigan State University, East Lansing.

Valente, T. W. (1995). Network models of the diffusion of innovations (2nd ed.). Cresskill N.J.: Hampton Press.

See Also

Other diffusion datasets: brfarmersDiffNet, diffusion-data, fakeDynEdgelist, fakeEdgelist, fakesurveyDyn, fakesurvey, kfamilyDiffNet, kfamily, medInnovationsDiffNet, medInnovations