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brief: Print Abbreviated Ouput


Print data objects and statistical model summaries in abbreviated form.


brief(object, ...)

# S3 method for data.frame brief(object, rows = if (nr <= 10)="" c(nr,="" 0)="" else="" c(3,="" 2),="" cols,="" head="FALSE," tail="FALSE," elided="TRUE," classes="inherits(object," "data.frame"),="" ...)="" #="" s3="" method="" for="" tbl="" brief(object,="" matrix="" rows="if" (nr="" <="10)" ...)<="" p="">

# S3 method for numeric brief(object, rows = c(2, 1), elided = TRUE, ...) # S3 method for integer brief(object, rows = c(2, 1), elided = TRUE, ...) # S3 method for character brief(object, rows = c(2, 1), elided = TRUE, ...) # S3 method for factor brief(object, rows=c(2, 1), elided=TRUE, ...)

# S3 method for list brief(object, rows = c(2, 1), elided = TRUE, ...)

# S3 method for function brief(object, rows = c(5, 3), elided = TRUE, ...)

# S3 method for lm brief(object, terms = ~ ., intercept=missing(terms), pvalues=FALSE, digits=3, horizontal=TRUE, vcov., ...)

# S3 method for glm brief(object, terms = ~ ., intercept=missing(terms), pvalues=FALSE, digits=3, horizontal=TRUE, vcov., dispersion, exponentiate, ...)

# S3 method for multinom brief(object, terms = ~ ., intercept=missing(terms), pvalues=FALSE, digits=3, horizontal=TRUE, exponentiate=TRUE, ...)

# S3 method for polr brief(object, terms = ~ ., intercept, pvalues=FALSE, digits=3, horizontal=TRUE, exponentiate=TRUE, ...)

# S3 method for default brief(object, terms = ~ ., intercept=missing(terms), pvalues=FALSE, digits=3, horizontal=TRUE, ...)



a data or model object to abbreviate.


for a matrix or data frame, a 2-element integer vector with the number of rows to print at the beginning and end of the display; for a vector or factor, the number of lines of output to show at the beginning and end; for a list, the number of elements to show at the beginning and end; for a function, the number of lines to show at the beginning and end.


for a matrix or data frame, a 2-element integer vector with the number of columns to print at the beginning (i.e., left) and end (right) of the display.

head, tail

alternatives to the rows argument; if TRUE, print the first or last 6 rows; can also be the number of the first or last few rows to print; only one of heads and tails should be specified; ignored if FALSE (the default).


controls whether to report the number of elided elements, rows, or columns; default is TRUE.


show the class of each column of a data frame at the top of the column; the classes are shown in single-character abbreviated form---e.g., [f] for a factor, [i] for an integer variable, [n] for a numeric variable, [c] for a character variable.


a one-sided formula giving the terms to summarize; the default is ~ .---i.e., to summarize all terms in the model.


whether or not to include the intercept; the default is TRUE unless the terms argument is given, in which case the default is FALSE; ignored for polr models.


include the p-value for each coefficient in the table; default is FALSE.


for a "glm" or "glmerMod" model using the log or logit link, or a "polr" or "multinom" model, show exponentiated coefficient estimates and confidence bounds.


significant digits for printing.


if TRUE (the default), orient the summary produced by brief horizontally, which typically saves space.


use an estimated covariance matrix computed as the dispersion times the unscaled covariance matrix; see summary.glm


either a matrix giving the estimated covariance matrix of the estimates, or a function that when called with object as an argument returns an estimated covariance matrix of the estimates. If not set, vcov(object, complete=FALSE) is called to use the usual estimated covariance matrix with aliased regressors removed. Other choices include the functions documented at hccm, and a bootstrap estimate vcov.=vcov(Boot(object)); see the documentation for Boot. NOTES: (1) The dispersion and vcov. arguments may not both be specified. (2) Setting vcov.=vcov returns an error if the model includes aliased terms; use vcov.=vcov(object, complete=FALSE). (3) The hccm method will generally return a matrix of full rank even if the model has aliased terms. Similarly vcov.=vcov(Boot(object)) may return a full rank matrix.

arguments to pass down.


Invisibly returns object for a data object, or summary for a model object.


Fox, J. and Weisberg, S. (2019) An R Companion to Applied Regression, Third Edition, Sage.

See Also



Run this code
brief(OBrienKaiser, elided=TRUE)
brief(matrix(1:500, 10, 50))

mod.prestige <- lm(prestige ~ education + income + type, Prestige)
brief(mod.prestige, pvalues=TRUE)
brief(mod.prestige, ~ type)
mod.mroz <- glm(lfp ~ ., data=Mroz, family=binomial)
# }

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