Learn R Programming

usethis (version 2.1.5)

browse-this: Visit important project-related web pages


These functions take you to various web pages associated with a project (often, an R package) and return the target URL(s) invisibly. To form these URLs we consult:

  • Git remotes configured for the active project that appear to be hosted on a GitHub deployment

  • DESCRIPTION file for the active project or the specified package. The DESCRIPTION file is sought first in the local package library and then on CRAN.

  • Fixed templates:

    • Travis CI: https://travis-ci.{EXT}/{OWNER}/{PACKAGE}

    • Circle CI: https://circleci.com/gh/{OWNER}/{PACKAGE}

    • CRAN landing page: https://cran.r-project.org/package={PACKAGE}

    • GitHub mirror of a CRAN package: https://github.com/cran/{PACKAGE} Templated URLs aren't checked for existence, so there is no guarantee there will be content at the destination.


browse_package(package = NULL)


browse_github(package = NULL)

browse_github_issues(package = NULL, number = NULL)

browse_github_pulls(package = NULL, number = NULL)

browse_github_actions(package = NULL)

browse_travis(package = NULL, ext = c("com", "org"))

browse_circleci(package = NULL)

browse_cran(package = NULL)



Name of package. If NULL, the active project is targeted, regardless of whether it's an R package or not.


Optional, to specify an individual GitHub issue or pull request. Can be a number or "new".


Version of travis to use.


  • browse_package(): Assembles a list of URLs and lets user choose one to visit in a web browser. In a non-interactive session, returns all discovered URLs.

  • browse_project(): Thin wrapper around browse_package() that always targets the active usethis project.

  • browse_github(): Visits a GitHub repository associated with the project. In the case of a fork, you might be asked to specify if you're interested in the source repo or your fork.

  • browse_github_issues(): Visits the GitHub Issues index or one specific issue.

  • browse_github_pulls(): Visits the GitHub Pull Request index or one specific pull request.

  • browse_travis(): Visits the project's page on Travis CI.

  • browse_circleci(): Visits the project's page on Circle CI.

  • browse_cran(): Visits the package on CRAN, via the canonical URL.


Run this code
# works on the active project
# browse_project()

browse_github_issues("fs", 1)
browse_github_pulls("curl", 183)
browse_travis("gert", ext = "org")
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab