Currently available methods include:
lm, glm, loess, step, ppr,
rpart[rpart], tree[tree],
randomForest[randomForest], mars[mda],
polymars[polspline], lars[lars], rq[quantreg],
lqs[MASS], rlm[MASS], svm[e1071], and nnet[nnet].
The training.per
should match the undelying date
format of the time-series data used in modelling. Any other style
may not return what you expect.
Additional methods wrappers can be created to allow for modelling
using custom functions. The only requirements are for a wrapper
function to be constructed taking parameters quantmod
, and …. The function must return the
fitted model object and have a predict method available.
It is possible to add predict methods if non exist by
adding an S3 method for predictModel. The
function can be used for new methods.