Learn R Programming

camtrapR (version 2.2.0)

camtraps: Sample camera trap station information


Example camera trap station information table





A data frame with 3 rows and 7 variables


This is a general example of how information about camera trap stations are arranged in camtrapR. It contains setup and retrieval dates and coordinates. If more than 1 camera was set up at a station (e.g. 2 cameras facing each other), a camera ID column must be added, with camera-specific information instead of station-specific information. If cameras malfunctioned repeatedly, additional pairs of problem columns can be added, e.g. "Problem2_from" and "Problem2_to" etc..

The variables are as follows:

Station Camera trap station ID
utm_y y coordinate of station (northing)
utm_x x coordinate of station (easting)
Setup_date camera trap setup date
Retrieval_date camera trap retrieval date
Problem1_from first day of camera malfunction
Problem1_to last day of camera malfunction