Learn R Programming

lidR (version 2.0.0)

catalog: Create an object of class LAScatalog


Create an object of class LAScatalog from a folder or a set of filenames. A LAScatalog is a representation of a set of las/laz files. A computer cannot load all the data at once. A LAScatalog is a simple way to manage all the files sequentially. Most functions from lidR can be used seamlessly with a LAScatalog using the internal LAScatalog processing engine. To take advantage of the LAScatalog processing engine the user must first adjust some processing options using the appropriated functions. Careful reading of the LAScatalog class documentation is required to use the LAScatalog class correctly.


catalog(folder, ...)



string. The path of a folder containing a set of las/laz files. Can also be a vector of file paths.

Extra parameters to list.files. Typically `recursive = TRUE`.


A LAScatalog object


Run this code
# A single file LAScatalog using data provided with the package
LASfile <- system.file("extdata", "Megaplot.laz", package="lidR")
ctg = catalog(LASfile)

# }
ctg <- catalog("/path/to/a/folder/of/las/files")

# Internal engine will compute in parallel using two cores
opt_cores(ctg) <- 2L

# Internal engine will sequentially process regions of interest of size 500 x 500 m (clusters)
opt_chunk_size(ctg) <- 500

# Internal engine will align the 500 x 500 m clusters on x = 250 and y = 300
opt_alignment(ctg) <- c(250, 300)

# Internal engine will not display a progress estimation
opt_progress(ctg) <- FALSE

# Internal engine will not return results into R. Instead it will write results in files.
opt_output_files(ctg) <- "/path/to/folder/templated_filename_{XBOTTOM}_{ID}"

# More details in the documentation
help("LAScatalog-class", "lidR")
help("catalog_options_tools", "lidR")
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab