Learn R Programming

lidR (version 1.2.0)

catalog_apply: Apply a function to a set of tiles using several cores.


The function behaves differently on the MS Windows and Unix platforms, so please read the documentation carefully, particularly the "Details", "Unix" and "Windows" sections. This function provides an immediately usable parallel computing tool, but users comfortable with multi-core processes should use their own code for greater flexibility. When a user has a LAS dataset organized into several tiles, it applies a user function to each tile. The "Examples" section describes the procedure to apply functions to each file, beginning with data loading (see example). The function automatically detects your operating system and applies the best parallelization method for your system. Unix mechanism is more powerful. However it is not compatible with Windows (see "Unix" and "Windows" sections). The Windows mechanism is more complex to use. Warning: there is no buffer mechanism to protect the process against edge artifacts. See section "Edge artifacts".


catalog_apply(x, func, platform = .Platform$OS.type,
  mc.cores = parallel::detectCores(), combine = "rbind", varlist = "")



A Catalog object


A function which has one parameter: the name of a .las or .laz file (see example)


character. Can be "windows" or "unix". Default is autodetect. See sections "Details", "Unix" and "Windows".


integer. Number of cores used. Default is the number of cores you have on your computer.


character. The function used to merge the outputs of the func function.


charaters vector. For 'windows' mode, character vector of names of objects to export.


On the Unix platform (GNU/Linux and Mac), parallelization relies on the fork-exec technique (see mclapply). This means that each child process has access to the parent process memory. For example, you can call functions from .GlobalEnv or any other environment. If code written for Unix is run on Windows it will work, but with only one core, like a normal loop. If Unix users want to share their code with Windows users, it would be better to force the function to use the clustering method.


On the Windows platform (MS Windows), parallelization relies on the cluster technique (see parLapplyLB). This works for both Unix and Windows but it is much more memory-intensive and also not very user-friendly, as the user must manually export any required objects. This means that each child process cannot access the parent process memory. If you want to use only a single core, the function uses the unix mode which works like a regular loop (non-parallel computing).

Edge artifacts

It is very important to take precautions to avoid 'edge artifacts' when processing LiDAR tiles. If the points from neighboring tiles are not included during certain processes, this could create 'edge artifacts' at the edges of the tiles. For example, empty or incomplete pixels in a rasterization process. The lidR package does not provide internal tools to deal with buffers as it is designed for experimental purposes rather than as a professional product. Users could, for example, filter the invalid/corrupted data at the edge of the tiles from the output.

See Also

mclapply parLapplyLB


Run this code
# Visit http://jean-romain.github.io/lidR/wiki for more examples
# about this function

# 1. build a project
project = catalog("folder")

# 2. load the shapefile you need to filter your points (if needed).
lake = rgdal::readOGR("folder", "shapefile")

# 3 build the function which analyses a tile (a file).
# This function input is only the path of a .las file
# see the following template
analyse_tile = function(LASFile)
  # Load the data
  lidar = readLAS(LASFile)

  # Associate geographic data with lidar points (if needed)
  lidar %<>% lasclassify(lake, field="lake")

  # filter lake
  lidar %<>% lasfilter(lake == FALSE)

  # compute standard metrics
  metrics = grid_metrics(lidar, .stdmetrics)


#### UNIX #####
# This code works only on Unix platforms because it relies on shared memory
# between all processes. See below for a Windows-compatible code.

# 4. Process the project. By default it detects how many cores you have. But you
# can add an optional parameter mc.core = 3.
output = project %>% catalog_apply(analyse_tile)

#### WINDOWS #####
# This code works on both Unix and Windows platforms. But it is more
# memory-intensive and more complex on Windows (here the example is simple enough
# so it does not change many things)

# 4. Process the project. By default it detects how many cores you have. But you can add
# an optional parameter mc.core = 3.
export = c("readLAS", "lasclassify", "grid_metrics", "myMetrics", "lake", "lasfilter", "%<>%")
output = project %>% catalog_apply(analyse_tile, varlist = export, platform = "windows")
# }

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