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spsurvey (version 4.0.0)

cdf.test.size.prop: Size-Weighted Estimate of Population Proportion for Classes


This function calculates a size-weighted estimate of the population proportions in a set of intervals (classes). The set of values defining the upper bound of each class is supplied to the function. The Horvitz-Thompson ratio estimator, i.e., the ratio of two Horvitz-Thompson estimators, is used to calculate the estimate. The numerator of the ratio estimates the total of the resource within a class. The denominator of the ratio estimates the size of the resource. For a finite resource size is the number of units in the resource. For an extensive resource size is the extent (measure) of the resource, i.e., length, area, or volume. The function can accomodate single stage and two-stage samples.


cdf.test.size.prop(z, wgt, bounds, cluster.ind, cluster, wgt1, swgt, swgt1)



Vector of the response value for each site.


Vector of the final adjusted weight (inverse of the sample inclusion probability) for each site, which is either the weight for a single-stage sample or the stage two weight for a two-stage sample.


Upper bounds for calculating classes for the CDF.


Logical value that indicates whether the sample is a two- stage sample, where TRUE = a two-stage sample and FALSE = not a two-stage sample.


Vector of the stage one sampling unit (primary sampling unit or cluster) code for each site.


Vector of the final adjusted stage one weight for each site. a two-stage sample.


Vector of the size-weight for each site, which is the stage two size-weight for a two-stage sample.


Vector of the stage one size-weight for each site.


The class proportion estimates.