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VGAM (version 1.0-3)

cens.poisson: Censored Poisson Family Function


Family function for a censored Poisson response.


cens.poisson(link = "loge", imu = NULL)



Link function applied to the mean; see Links for more choices.


Optional initial value; see CommonVGAMffArguments for more information.


An object of class "vglmff" (see vglmff-class). The object is used by modelling functions such as vglm and vgam.


As the response is discrete, care is required with Surv, especially with "interval" censored data because of the (start, end] format. See the examples below. The examples have y < L as left censored and y >= U (formatted as U+) as right censored observations, therefore L <= y < U is for uncensored and/or interval censored observations. Consequently the input must be tweaked to conform to the (start, end] format.


Often a table of Poisson counts has an entry J+ meaning \(\ge J\). This family function is similar to poissonff but handles such censored data. The input requires SurvS4. Only a univariate response is allowed. The Newton-Raphson algorithm is used.


See survival for background.

See Also

SurvS4, poissonff, Links.


Run this code
# Example 1: right censored data
set.seed(123); U <- 20
cdata <- data.frame(y = rpois(N <- 100, exp(3)))
cdata <- transform(cdata, cy = pmin(U, y),
                          rcensored = (y >= U))
cdata <- transform(cdata, status = ifelse(rcensored, 0, 1))
with(cdata, table(cy))
with(cdata, table(rcensored))
with(cdata, table(ii <- print(SurvS4(cy, status))))  # Check; U+ means >= U
fit <- vglm(SurvS4(cy, status) ~ 1, cens.poisson, data = cdata, trace = TRUE)
coef(fit, matrix = TRUE)
table(print(depvar(fit)))  # Another check; U+ means >= U

# Example 2: left censored data
L <- 15
cdata <- transform(cdata,
                   cY = pmax(L, y),
                   lcensored = y <  L)  # Note y < L, not cY == L or y <= L
cdata <- transform(cdata, status = ifelse(lcensored, 0, 1))
with(cdata, table(cY))
with(cdata, table(lcensored))
with(cdata, table(ii <- print(SurvS4(cY, status, type = "left"))))  # Check
fit <- vglm(SurvS4(cY, status, type = "left") ~ 1, cens.poisson,
            data = cdata, trace = TRUE)
coef(fit, matrix = TRUE)

# Example 3: interval censored data
cdata <- transform(cdata, Lvec = rep(L, len = N),
                          Uvec = rep(U, len = N))
cdata <-
            icensored = Lvec <= y & y < Uvec)  # Not lcensored or rcensored
with(cdata, table(icensored))
cdata <- transform(cdata, status = rep(3, N))  # 3 means interval censored
cdata <-
            status = ifelse(rcensored, 0, status))  # 0 means right censored
cdata <-
            status = ifelse(lcensored, 2, status))  # 2 means left  censored
# Have to adjust Lvec and Uvec because of the (start, end] format:
cdata$Lvec[with(cdata, icensored)] <- cdata$Lvec[with(cdata, icensored)] - 1
cdata$Uvec[with(cdata, icensored)] <- cdata$Uvec[with(cdata, icensored)] - 1
# Unchanged:
cdata$Lvec[with(cdata, lcensored)] <- cdata$Lvec[with(cdata, lcensored)]
cdata$Lvec[with(cdata, rcensored)] <- cdata$Uvec[with(cdata, rcensored)]
     table(ii <- print(SurvS4(Lvec, Uvec, status, type = "interval"))))  # Check

fit <- vglm(SurvS4(Lvec, Uvec, status, type = "interval") ~ 1,
            cens.poisson, data = cdata, trace = TRUE)
coef(fit, matrix = TRUE)
table(print(depvar(fit)))  # Another check

# Example 4: Add in some uncensored observations
index <- (1:N)[with(cdata, icensored)]
index <- head(index, 4)
cdata$status[index] <- 1  # actual or uncensored value
cdata$Lvec[index] <- cdata$y[index]
with(cdata, table(ii <- print(SurvS4(Lvec, Uvec, status,
                                     type = "interval"))))  # Check

fit <- vglm(SurvS4(Lvec, Uvec, status, type = "interval") ~ 1,
            cens.poisson, data = cdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "c")
coef(fit, matrix = TRUE)
table(print(depvar(fit)))  # Another check
# }

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