centipede.plot displays one or more midpoints and limits as
filled circles with horizontal error bars. It places labels on the left and
right sides of the plot. If these labels are long, it may be necessary to
pass explicit values to the mar argument to leave enough room.
The vgrid argument is usually used to display an average value for
all of the midpoints. If one or more values are passed in this argument,
they will be displayed as vertical lines spanning the plot. The hgrid
argument acts like the grid function, drawing dashed horizontal lines
across the plot. If hgrid=NULL, these lines will be drawn under the
values displayed, which will be 1 to the number of values on the vertical axis.
The user can pass explicit values if desired. With horizontal and optionally
vertical grid lines, the centipede plot is practically equivalent to a dotplot
with error bars.
Similarly, centipede plots typically have a large number of subsets, and
it may be necessary to start the graphics device with an aspect ratio that
will prevent crowding of the labels when over 30 segments are displayed.
The matrix segs may be entered manually or read from a file.
The first row specifies midpoints, the second and third rows the lower
and upper limits respectively and the fourth row the number of valid
observations. If there are no values for number of valid observations,
just pass vector of blank strings with the right.labels argument.
If a dstat object is passed as segs, the function will calculate
the lower and upper values according to the relevant arguments. This type of
plot is also known as a caterpillar plot or a league table.