## Basic Usage:
## work with the example
parms(chemostat)["D"] <- 0.9
## Implementation:
## The code of the chemostat model
chemostat <- new("odeModel",
main = function(time, init, parms, inputs = NULL) {
with(as.list(c(init, parms)), {
mu <- vm * S/(km + S) # Monod equation
dx1 <- mu * X - D * X # cells, e.g. algae
dx2 <- D *(S0 - S) - 1/Y * mu * X # substrate, e.g. phosphorus
list(c(dx1, dx2))
parms = c(
vm = 1.0, # max growth rate, 1/d
km = 2.0, # half saturation constant, mumol / L
Y = 100, # cells /mumol Substrate
D = 0.5, # dilution rate, 1/d
S0 = 10 # substrate in inflow, mumol / L
times = c(from=0, to=40, by=.5),
init = c(X=10, S=10), # cells / L; Substrate umol / L
solver = "lsoda"
# }
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