library(stats, pos = "package:base", verbose = FALSE)
showMethods("chol", inherited = FALSE)
## ---- Dense ----------------------------------------------------------
## chol(x, pivot = value) wrapping Cholesky(x, perm = value)
selectMethod("chol", "dsyMatrix")
## Except in packed cases where pivoting is not yet available
selectMethod("chol", "dspMatrix")
## .... Positive definite ..............................................
(A1 <- new("dsyMatrix", Dim = c(2L, 2L), x = c(1, 2, 2, 5)))
(R1.nopivot <- chol(A1))
(R1 <- chol(A1, pivot = TRUE))
## In 2-by-2 cases, we know that the permutation is 1:2 or 2:1,
## even if in general 'chol' does not say ...
stopifnot(exprs = {
all.equal( A1 , as(crossprod(R1.nopivot), "dsyMatrix"))
all.equal(t(A1[2:1, 2:1]), as(crossprod(R1 ), "dsyMatrix"))
identical(Cholesky(A1)@perm, 2:1) # because 5 > 1
## .... Positive semidefinite but not positive definite ................
(A2 <- new("dpoMatrix", Dim = c(2L, 2L), x = c(1, 2, 2, 4)))
try(R2.nopivot <- chol(A2)) # fails as not positive definite
(R2 <- chol(A2, pivot = TRUE)) # returns, with a warning and ...
stopifnot(exprs = {
all.equal(t(A2[2:1, 2:1]), as(crossprod(R2), "dsyMatrix"))
identical(Cholesky(A2)@perm, 2:1) # because 4 > 1
## .... Not positive semidefinite ......................................
(A3 <- new("dsyMatrix", Dim = c(2L, 2L), x = c(1, 2, 2, 3)))
try(R3.nopivot <- chol(A3)) # fails as not positive definite
(R3 <- chol(A3, pivot = TRUE)) # returns, with a warning and ...
## _Not_ equal: see details and examples in help("Cholesky")
all.equal(t(A3[2:1, 2:1]), as(crossprod(R3), "dsyMatrix"))
## ---- Sparse ---------------------------------------------------------
## chol(x, pivot = value) wrapping
## Cholesky(x, perm = value, LDL = FALSE, super = FALSE)
selectMethod("chol", "dsCMatrix")
## Except in diagonal cases which are handled "directly"
selectMethod("chol", "ddiMatrix")
(A4 <- toeplitz(as(c(10, 0, 1, 0, 3), "sparseVector")))
(ch.A4.nopivot <- Cholesky(A4, perm = FALSE, LDL = FALSE, super = FALSE))
(ch.A4 <- Cholesky(A4, perm = TRUE, LDL = FALSE, super = FALSE))
(R4.nopivot <- chol(A4))
(R4 <- chol(A4, pivot = TRUE))
det4 <- det(A4)
b4 <- rnorm(5L)
x4 <- solve(A4, b4)
stopifnot(exprs = {
identical(R4.nopivot, expand1(ch.A4.nopivot, "L."))
identical(R4, expand1(ch.A4, "L."))
all.equal(A4, crossprod(R4.nopivot))
all.equal(A4[ch.A4@perm + 1L, ch.A4@perm + 1L], crossprod(R4))
all.equal(diag(R4.nopivot), sqrt(diag(ch.A4.nopivot)))
all.equal(diag(R4), sqrt(diag(ch.A4)))
all.equal(sqrt(det4), det(R4.nopivot))
all.equal(sqrt(det4), det(R4))
all.equal(det4, det(ch.A4.nopivot, sqrt = FALSE))
all.equal(det4, det(ch.A4, sqrt = FALSE))
all.equal(x4, solve(R4.nopivot, solve(t(R4.nopivot), b4)))
all.equal(x4, solve(ch.A4.nopivot, b4))
all.equal(x4, solve(ch.A4, b4))
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