showMethods(chol, inherited = FALSE) # show different methods
sy2 <- new("dsyMatrix", Dim = as.integer(c(2,2)), x = c(14, NA,32,77))
(c2 <- chol(sy2))#-> "Cholesky" matrix
stopifnot(all.equal(c2, chol(as(sy2, "dpoMatrix")), tolerance= 1e-13))
## An example where chol() can't work
(sy3 <- new("dsyMatrix", Dim = as.integer(c(2,2)), x = c(14, -1, 2, -7)))
try(chol(sy3)) # error, since it is not positive definite
## A sparse example --- exemplifying 'pivot'
(mm <- toeplitz(as(c(10, 0, 1, 0, 3), "sparseVector"))) # 5 x 5
(R <- chol(mm)) ## default: pivot = FALSE
R2 <- chol(mm, pivot=FALSE)
stopifnot( identical(R, R2), all.equal(crossprod(R), mm) )
(R. <- chol(mm, pivot=TRUE))# nice band structure,
## but of course crossprod(R.) is *NOT* equal to mm
## --> see Cholesky() and its examples, for the pivot structure & factorization
stopifnot(all.equal(sqrt(det(mm)), det(R)),
all.equal(prod(diag(R)), det(R)),
all.equal(prod(diag(R.)), det(R)))
## a second, even sparser example:
(M2 <- toeplitz(as(c(1,.5, rep(0,12), -.1), "sparseVector")))
c2 <- chol(M2)
C2 <- chol(M2, pivot=TRUE)
## For the experts, check the caching of the factorizations:
ff <- M2@factors[["spdCholesky"]]
FF <- M2@factors[["sPdCholesky"]]
L1 <- as(ff, "Matrix")# pivot=FALSE: no perm.
L2 <- as(FF, "Matrix"); P2 <- as(FF, "pMatrix")
stopifnot(identical(t(L1), c2),
all.equal(t(L2), C2, tolerance=0),#-- why not identical()?
all.equal(M2, tcrossprod(L1)), # M = LL'
all.equal(M2, crossprod(crossprod(L2, P2)))# M = P'L L'P
# }
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