classvec2classmat: Convert a classification vector into a matrix or the other way around.
Functions toggle between a matrix representation, where class
membership is indicated with one '1' and for the rest zeros at each
row, and an class vector (maybe integers or class names).
The classification matrix contains one column per class.
Conversion from a class matrix to a class vector assigns each
row to the column with the highest value. An optional argument can be
used to assign only those objects that have a probability higher than
a certain threshold (default is 0).
class vector. Usually integer values, but other types are
also allowed.
class matrix: every column corresponds to a class.
only classify into a class if the probability is
larger than this threshold.
classvec2classmat returns the classification matrix, where each
column consists of zeros and ones; classmat2classvec returns a
class vector (integers).