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click display an image in a new or existing display window and waits for a mouse click on the display window to be detected.
click(image, scale = 1, window_name = "Display")
An Image object.
The scaling of the display relative to the image size (default: 1).
A character string representing the name of the display window (default: "Display").
A data frame with the following 3 columns:
x: the x coordinate of the mouse click.
y: the y coordinate of the mouse click.
button: the mouse button that was pressed (0: left button; 1: right button.)
Image, newDisplay, display
# NOT RUN { balloon <- image(system.file("sample_img/balloon1.png", package = "Rvision")) click(balloon) # } # NOT RUN { # }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab