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climdex.pcic (version 1.1-11)

climdexInput: climdexInput


The climdexInput class contains all the data necessary to compute the climdex indices.




Time series of supplied data variables.


Threshold quantiles used for threshold-based indices.


Data quality masks for annual and monthly data.


Date sequence (type PCICt) corresponding to temperature and precipitation data.


Julian days for the date sequence.


Date range (type PCICt) of baseline period.


Factors used for creation of annual and monthly indices.


Boolean used when computing growing season length.


Maximum number of missing days of data for annual and monthly data.


The climdexInput class consists of all the data necessary to compute the climdex indices. Users will not need to modify any of the slots in this class. That being said, users may want or need to repurpose this data for further analysis. The following description of the data is aimed at that audience.

The data slot contains time series' of daily data of equal length for each of the provided variables. Missing days have been replaced with NA. The dates slot is the corresponding series of dates (of type PCICt) for the daily data.

The quantiles slot contains quantiles used for computing the tn/tx 10/90p indices, w/csdi, r95ptot, and r99ptot. If precipitation data is supplied, the 'prec' member contains the 95th and 99th percentile values for precipitation within the base period. For tmin and tmax, if present each will have a corresponding member in the slot. Within each of these, there will be an 'inbase' and 'outbase' member, corresponding to thresholds to be used within the base period (inbase) and outside the base period (outbase). The 'inbase' member consists of one percentile for each day of the year, computed using an n-day (default is 5-day) running window surrounding that day. These percentiles are computed for at least the 10th and 90th percentile of the data. For the 'outbase' member, given n years of data to use as the base period, there are n * (n - 1) sets of daily quantiles of the same type as those in 'inbase'.

To ease computation of monthly and annual data, date.factors contains date factors which group data into annual and monthly time buckets. They are of the same length as the time series and can be reused for computation of any annual or monthly aggregates.

The climdexInput class also includes NA masks for both monthly and annual as parts of the namasks slot. Each of these masks consist of a vector of numbers of the same length as the monthly or annual output data. The values used are 1 to signify that the data meets the QC criteria, and NA to signify it does not. Years with more than (by default) 15 days missing, and months with more than (by default) 3 days missing, are considered to be of poor quality and are masked here with NA. These thresholds can be set when instantiating the object, and are stored in the max.missing.days slot.

The base.range slot contains vector of type PCICt containing the first and last day included in the baseline.

The northern.hemisphere slot contains a boolean indicating whether the data came from the northern hemisphere. If FALSE, data is assumed to have come from the southern hemisphere. This is used when computing growing season length; if the data is from the southern hemisphere, growing season length is the growing season starting in the beginning of July of the year indicated, running to the end of June of the following year.

The max.missing.days slot is a vector consisting of 'annual' (the number of days that can be missing in a year) and 'monthly' (the number of days that can be missing in a month. If one month in a year fails the test, the corresponding year will be omitted.

See Also

climdexInput.csv, climdexInput.raw.


Run this code

## Parse the dates into PCICt.
tmax.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.tmax[,c("year",
"jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")
tmin.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.tmin[,c("year",
"jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")
prec.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.prec[,c("year",
"jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")

## Load the data in.
ci <- climdexInput.raw(ec.1018935.tmax$MAX_TEMP,
ec.1018935.tmin$MIN_TEMP, ec.1018935.prec$ONE_DAY_PRECIPITATION,
tmax.dates, tmin.dates, prec.dates, base.range=c(1971, 2000))
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab