## plotting votes.diss(dissimilarity) in a bivariate plot and
## partitioning into 2 clusters
votes.diss <- daisy(votes.repub)
pamv <- pam(votes.diss, 2, diss = TRUE)
clusplot(pamv, shade = TRUE)
## is the same as
votes.clus <- pamv$clustering
clusplot(votes.diss, votes.clus, diss = TRUE, shade = TRUE)
## Now look at components 3 and 2 instead of 1 and 2:
str(cMDS <- cmdscale(votes.diss, k=3, add=TRUE))
clusplot(pamv, s.x.2d = list(x=cMDS$points[, c(3,2)],
labs=rownames(votes.repub), var.dec=NA),
shade = TRUE, col.p = votes.clus,
sub="", xlab = "Component 3", ylab = "Component 2")
clusplot(pamv, col.p = votes.clus, labels = 4)# color points and label ellipses
# "simple" cheap ellipses: larger than minimum volume:
# here they are *added* to the previous plot:
clusplot(pamv, span = FALSE, add = TRUE, col.clus = "midnightblue")
## Setting a small *label* size:
clusplot(votes.diss, votes.clus, diss = TRUE, labels = 3, cex.txt = 0.6)
if(dev.interactive()) { # uses identify() *interactively* :
clusplot(votes.diss, votes.clus, diss = TRUE, shade = TRUE, labels = 1)
clusplot(votes.diss, votes.clus, diss = TRUE, labels = 5)# ident. only points
## plotting iris (data frame) in a 2-dimensional plot and partitioning
## into 3 clusters.
iris.x <- iris[, 1:4]
cl3 <- pam(iris.x, 3)$clustering
op <- par(mfrow= c(2,2))
clusplot(iris.x, cl3, color = TRUE)
U <- par("usr")
## zoom in :
rect(0,-1, 2,1, border = "orange", lwd=2)
clusplot(iris.x, cl3, color = TRUE, xlim = c(0,2), ylim = c(-1,1))
box(col="orange",lwd=2); mtext("sub region", font = 4, cex = 2)
## or zoom out :
clusplot(iris.x, cl3, color = TRUE, xlim = c(-4,4), ylim = c(-4,4))
mtext("'super' region", font = 4, cex = 2)
rect(U[1],U[3], U[2],U[4], lwd=2, lty = 3)
# reset graphics
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab