fit the original correlation matrix? A similar algorithm factor.fit
is found in VSS
. This function is internal to ICLUST but has more general use as well.
In general, the cluster model is a Very Simple Structure model of complexity one. That is, every item is assumed to represent only one factor/cluster. Cluster fit is an analysis of how well this model reproduces a correlation matrix. Two measures of fit are given: cluster fit and factor fit. Cluster fit assumes that variables that define different clusters are orthogonal. Factor fit takes the loadings generated by a cluster model, finds the cluster loadings on all clusters, and measures the degree of fit of this somewhat more complicated model. Because the cluster loadings are similar to, but not identical to factor loadings, the factor fits found here and by factor.fit
will be similar.cluster.fit(original, load, clusters, diagonal = FALSE)
The fit statistic is a comparison of the original (squared) correlations to the residual correlations. Fit = 1 - r*2/r2 where r* is the residual correlation of data - model and model = C'C.
, factor2cluster
, cluster.cor
, factor.fit
r.mat<- Harman74.cor$cov
iq.clus <- ICLUST(r.mat,nclusters =2)
fit <- cluster.fit(r.mat,iq.clus$loadings,iq.clus$clusters)
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