Logical scalar, whether to return the merge matrix.
Logical scalar, whether to return a vector containing the
modularity after each merge.
Logical scalar, whether to calculate the membership vector
corresponding to the maximum modularity score, considering all possible
community structures along the merges.
The weights of the edges. It must be a positive numeric vector,
NULL or NA. If it is NULL and the input graph has a
‘weight’ edge attribute, then that attribute will be used. If
NULL and no such attribute is present, then the edges will have equal
weights. Set this to NA if the graph was a ‘weight’ edge
attribute, but you don't want to use it for community detection. A larger
edge weight means a stronger connection for this function.
cluster_fast_greedy returns a communities
object, please see the communities manual page for details.
This function implements the fast greedy modularity optimization algorithm
for finding community structure, see A Clauset, MEJ Newman, C Moore: Finding
community structure in very large networks,
http://www.arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0408187 for the details.
A Clauset, MEJ Newman, C Moore: Finding community structure in
very large networks, http://www.arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0408187