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qdap (version 1.3.5)

cm_df.temp: Break Transcript Dialogue into Blank Code Matrix


Breaks transcript dialogue into words while retaining the demographic factors associate with each word. The codes argument provides a matrix of zeros that can serve as a dummy coded matrix of codes per word.


cm_df.temp(dataframe, text.var, codes = NULL, file = NULL,
  transpose = FALSE, strip = FALSE, ...)


A dataframe containing a text variable.
The name of the text variable.
Optional list of codes.
The name of the file (csv is recommended file type). If NULL no file is written.
logical. If TRUE transposes the dataframe so that the text is across the top.
logical. If TRUE all punctuation is removed.
Other arguments passed to strip.


  • Generates a dataframe, and optional csv file, of individual words while maintaining demographic information. If a vector of codes is provided the outcome is a matrix of words used by codes filled with zeros. This dataframe is useful for dummy coded (1-yes code exists; 0-no it does not) representation of data and can be used for visualizations and statistical analysis.


Miles, M. B. & Huberman, A. M. (1994). An expanded sourcebook: Qualitative data analysis. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

See Also

cm_range2long, cm_df.transcript, cm_df.fill


Run this code
codes <- qcv(dc, sf, wes, pol, rejk, lk, azx, mmm)
out1 <- cm_df.temp(DATA, "state", codes)
head(out1, 15)
out2 <- cm_df.temp(DATA, "state", codes, transpose = TRUE)
out2[, 1:10]
out3 <- cm_df.temp(raj.act.1, "dialogue", codes)
head(out3, 15)
out4 <- cm_df.temp(raj.act.1, "dialogue", codes, transpose = TRUE)
out4 [, 1:8]

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab