## Load sample SD file
# data(sdfsample); sdfset <- sdfsample
## Generate atom pair descriptor database for searching
# apset <- sdf2ap(sdfset)
## Loads atom pair and atom pair fingerprint samples provided by library
db <- apset
fpset <- desc2fp(apset)
## Clustering of 'APset' object with multiple cutoffs
clusters <- cmp.cluster(db=apset, cutoff=c(0.5, 0.85))
## Clustering of 'FPset' object with multiple cutoffs. This method allows to call
## various similarity methods provided by the fpSim function.
clusters2 <- cmp.cluster(fpset, cutoff=c(0.5, 0.7), method="Tversky")
## Saves the distance matrix before clustering:
clusters <- cmp.cluster(db, cutoff=0.65, save.distances="distmat.rda")
# Later one reload the matrix and pass it the clustering function.
clusters <- cmp.cluster(db, cutoff=0.60, use.distances=distmat)
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