coll.cite: Constructs a final citation of collector names.
Uses two of the BRAHMS fields (collector, addcoll). Expects names in both fields to conform to the
pattern: "Lastname, A" where A are the list of initials without dots; if no comma present the function
assummes all words to be part of the lastname like in: van de Bergh.
coll.cite(collector, addcoll = "", initials = c("none", "before"), dots = TRUE)
a name or list of names; may be empty
use 'none' or 'before' to indicate if initials should be used for the citation
boolean; should dots be used to separate the initials?
The 'collector' field must have only one name; the 'addcoll' field may have several names separated by ; or
it may be empty. Like in the case of 'collector' a missing comma indicates that all words till the next ;
are part of the last name.Two collector names will be separated by '&'; more than two names will result in a citation with just
the (principal) collectors name followed by 'et al.'.