## Not run: ------------------------------------
# txt <- c("This is software testing: looking for (word) pairs!
# This [is] a software testing again. For.",
# "Here: this is more Software Testing, looking again for word pairs.")
# collocations(txt, punctuation = "dontspan") # default
# collocations(txt, punctuation = "dontspan", remove_punct = TRUE) # includes "testing looking"
# collocations(txt, punctuation = "ignore", remove_punct = TRUE) # same as previous
# collocations(txt, punctuation = "include", remove_punct = FALSE) # keep punctuation as tokens
# collocations(txt, size = 2:3)
# removeFeatures(collocations(txt, size = 2:3), stopwords("english"))
# collocations("@textasdata We really, really love the #quanteda package - thanks!!")
# collocations("@textasdata We really, really love the #quanteda package - thanks!!",
# remove_twitter = TRUE)
# collocations(data_corpus_inaugural[49:57], n = 10)
# collocations(data_corpus_inaugural[49:57], method = "all", n = 10)
# collocations(data_corpus_inaugural[49:57], method = "chi2", size = 3, n = 10)
# collocations(corpus_subset(data_corpus_inaugural, Year>1980), method = "pmi", size = 3, n = 10)
## ---------------------------------------------
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab