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commonmark (version 1.9.2)

commonmark: Parse and render markdown text


Converts markdown text to several formats using John MacFarlane's cmark reference implementation. Supported output formats include html, latex, groff man, and normalized "commonmark" markdown. In addition the markdown parse tree can be returned in xml format.


  hardbreaks = FALSE,
  smart = FALSE,
  normalize = FALSE,
  sourcepos = FALSE,
  footnotes = FALSE,
  extensions = FALSE

markdown_xml( text, hardbreaks = FALSE, smart = FALSE, normalize = FALSE, sourcepos = FALSE, footnotes = FALSE, extensions = FALSE )

markdown_man( text, hardbreaks = FALSE, smart = FALSE, normalize = FALSE, footnotes = FALSE, width = 0, extensions = FALSE )

markdown_commonmark( text, hardbreaks = FALSE, smart = FALSE, normalize = FALSE, footnotes = FALSE, width = 0, extensions = FALSE )

markdown_text( text, hardbreaks = FALSE, smart = FALSE, normalize = FALSE, footnotes = FALSE, width = 0, extensions = FALSE )

markdown_latex( text, hardbreaks = FALSE, smart = FALSE, normalize = FALSE, footnotes = FALSE, width = 0, extensions = FALSE )



Markdown text


Treat newlines as hard line breaks. If this option is specified, hard wrapping is disabled regardless of the value given with width.


Use smart punctuation. See details.


Consolidate adjacent text nodes.


Include source position attribute in output.


parse footnotes


Enables Github extensions. Can be TRUE (all) FALSE (none) or a character vector with a subset of available extensions.


Specify wrap width (default 0 = nowrap).


Support for extensions (including tables and autolink) is provided via the Github fork of cmark. For now these are opt-in and have to be enabled with the extensions parameter. See also the manual page on extensions.

When smart punctuation is enabled, straight double and single quotes will be rendered as curly quotes, depending on their position. Moreover -- will be rendered as -- (en-dash), --- will be rendered as --- (em-dash), and ... will be rendered as ... (ellipses).


Run this code
md <- readLines("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yihui/knitr/master/NEWS.md")
html <- markdown_html(md)
xml <- markdown_xml(md)
man <- markdown_man(md)
tex <- markdown_latex(md)
cm <- markdown_commonmark(md)
text <- markdown_text(md)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab