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wavethresh (version 4.6.9)

compress.default: Do "zero" run-length encoding compression of a vector of numbers.


Efficiently compress a vector containing many zeroes.


# S3 method for default
compress(v, verbose=FALSE,…)



The vector that you wish to compress. This compression function is efficient at compressing vectors with many zeroes, but is not a general compression routine.


IfTRUE then this routine prints out the degree of compression achieved.

any other arguments


An object of class compressed if compression took place, otherwise a an object of class uncompressed.


Version 3.5.3 Copyright Guy Nason 1994


Images are large objects. Thresholded 2d wavelet objects (imwd) are also large, but many of their elements are zero. compress.default takes a vector, decides whether compression is necessary and if it is makes an object of class compressed containing the nonzero elements and their position in the original vector.

The decision whether to compress the vector or not depends on two things, first the number of non-zero elements in the vector (r, say), and second the length of the vector (n, say). Since the position and value of the non-zero elements is stored we will need to store 2r values for the non-zero elements. So compression takes place if 2r < n.

This function is the default method for the generic function compress. It can be invoked by calling compress for an object of the appropriate class, or directly by calling compress.default regardless of the class of the object.

See Also

compress, imwd, threshold.imwd, uncompress


Run this code
# Compress a vector with lots of zeroes
#[1] 101
#[1] 99
#[1] 101
#attr(, "class"):
#[1] "compressed"
# Try to compress a vector with not many zeroes
#[1]  1 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
#attr(, "class"):
#[1] "uncompressed"
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab