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content-types: Working with content types


The HttpResponse class holds all the responses elements for an HTTP request. This document details how to work specifically with the content-type of the response headers


Content types

The "Content-Type" header in HTTP responses gives the media type of the response. The media type is both the data format and how the data is intended to be processed by a recipient. (modified from rfc7231)

Behavior of the parameters HttpResponse raise_for_ct* methods

  • type: (only applicable for the raise_for_ct() method): instead of using one of the three other content type methods for html, json, or xml, you can specify a mime type to check, any of those in mime::mimemap

  • charset: if you don't give a value to this parameter, we only check that the content type is what you expect; that is, the charset, if given, is ignored.

  • behavior: by default when you call this method, and the content type does not match what the method expects, then we run stop() with a message. Instead of stopping, you can choose behavior="warning" and we'll throw a warning instead, allowing any downstream processing to proceed.


spec for content types: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-

spec for media types: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-

See Also



Run this code
(x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org"))
(res <- x$get())

## see the content type

## check that the content type is text/html

## it's def. not json
# res$raise_for_ct_json()

## give custom content type
# res$raise_for_ct("application/json")
# res$raise_for_ct("foo/bar")

## check charset in addition to the media type
res$raise_for_ct_html(charset = "utf-8")
# res$raise_for_ct_html(charset = "utf-16")

# warn instead of stop
res$raise_for_ct_json(behavior = "warning")
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab