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misc3d (version 0.9-1)

contour3d: Draw an Isosurface, a Three Dimension Contour Plot


Computes and renders 3D contours or isosurfaces computed by the marching cubes algorithm.


contour3d(f, level, x, y, z, mask = NULL, color = "white", color2 = NA,
             alpha = 1, fill = TRUE, col.mesh = if (fill) NA else color,
             material = "default", smooth = 0,
             add = FALSE, draw = TRUE, engine = "rgl", separate=FALSE, ...)



a function of 3 arguments or a three dimensional array.


The level or levels at which to construct contour surfaces.


locations of grid planes at which values in f are measured or f is to be evaluated. Can be omitted if f is an array.


a function of 3 arguments returning a logical array, a three dimensional logical array, or NULL. If not NULL, only cells for which mask is true at all eight vertices are used in forming the contour. Can also be a list of functions the same length as level.


color to use for the contour surface. Recycled to the length of 'levels'. Can also be a function, or list of functions, of three arguments. These are called for each level with three arguments, the coordinates of the midpoints of the triangles making up the surface. They should return a vector of colors to use for the triangles.


opposite face color. Recycled to the length of 'levels'.


alpha channel level, a number between 0 and 1. Recycled to the length of 'levels'.


logical; if TRUE, drawing should use filled surfaces; otherwise a wire frame should be drawn. Recycled to the length of 'levels'.


color to use for the wire frame. Recycled to the length of 'levels'.


integer or logical specifying Phong shading level for "standard" and "grid" engines or whether or not to use shading for the "rgl" engine. Recycled to the length of 'levels'.


material specification; currently only used by "standard" and "grid" engines. Currently possible values are the character strings "dull", "shiny", "metal", and "default". Recycled to the length of 'levels'.


logical; if TRUE, add to current rgl graph.


logical; if TRUE, draw the results; otherwise, return contour triangles.


character; currently "rgl", "standard", "grid" or "none"; for "none" the computed triangles are returned.


logical and one for each level; if it is TRUE, and either the engine is "none" or draw is not true, the triangles from the corresponding level are separated into disconnected chunks, namely that triangles from different chunks have no vertex in common. The default is FALSE for each level.


additional rendering arguments, e.g. material and texture properties for the "rgl" engine. See documentation for drawScene and drawScene.rgl


For the "rgl" engine the returned value is NULL. For the "standard" and "grid" engines the returned value is the viewing transformation as returned by persp. For the engine "none", or when draw is not true, the returned value is a structure representing the triangles making up the contour, or a list of such structures for multiple contours.


Uses the marching-cubes algorithm, with adjustments for dealing with face and internal ambiguities, to draw isosurfaces. See references for the details.


Chernyaev E. (1995) Marching Cubes 33: Construction of Topologically Correct Isosurfaces Technical Report CN/95-17, CERN

Daniel Adler, Oleg Nenadic and Walter Zucchini (2003) RGL: A R-library for 3D visualization with OpenGL

Lorensen W. and Cline H. (1987) Marching Cubes: A High Resolution 3D Surface Reconstruction Algorithm Computer Graphics vol. 21, no. 4, 163-169

Nielson G. and Hamann B. (1992) The Asymptotic Decider: Resolving the Ambiguity in Marching Cubes Proc. IEEE Visualization 92, 83-91

See Also

triangles3d, material3d, surface3d.


Run this code
  #Example 1: Draw a ball
  f <- function(x, y, z)x^2+y^2+z^2
  x <- seq(-2,2,len=20)
  contour3d(f,4,x,x,x, engine = "standard")

  # ball with one corner removed.
  contour3d(f,4,x,x,x, mask = function(x,y,z) x > 0 | y > 0 | z > 0)
  contour3d(f,4,x,x,x, mask = function(x,y,z) x > 0 | y > 0 | z > 0,
            engine="standard", screen = list(x = 290, y = -20),
            color = "red", color2 = "white")

  # ball with computed colors
  w <- function(x,y,z) {
      v <- sin(x) + cos(2 * y) * sin(5 * z)
      r <- range(v)
      n <- 100
      i <- pmax(pmin(ceiling(n * (v - r[1]) / (r[2] - r[1])), n), 1)
  contour3d(f,4,x,x,x, color = w)

  #Example 2: Nested contours of mixture of three tri-variate normal densities
  nmix3 <- function(x, y, z, m, s) {
      0.4 * dnorm(x, m, s) * dnorm(y, m, s) * dnorm(z, m, s) +
      0.3 * dnorm(x, -m, s) * dnorm(y, -m, s) * dnorm(z, -m, s) +
      0.3 * dnorm(x, m, s) * dnorm(y, -1.5 * m, s) * dnorm(z, m, s)
  f <- function(x,y,z) nmix3(x,y,z,.5,.5)
  g <- function(n = 40, k = 5, alo = 0.1, ahi = 0.5, cmap = heat.colors) {
      th <- seq(0.05, 0.2, len = k)
      col <- rev(cmap(length(th)))
      al <- seq(alo, ahi, len = length(th))
      x <- seq(-2, 2, len=n)
  gs <- function(n = 40, k = 5, cmap = heat.colors, ...) {
      th <- seq(0.05, 0.2, len = k)
      col <- rev(cmap(length(th)))
      x <- seq(-2, 2, len=n)
      m <- function(x,y,z) x > .25 | y < -.3
      contour3d(f,th,x,x,x,color=col, mask = m, engine = "standard",
                scale = FALSE, ...)
  gs(40, 5, screen=list(z = 130, x = -80), color2 = "lightgray", cmap=rainbow)

# }
  #Example 3: Nested contours for FMRI data.
  a <- f.read.analyze.volume(system.file("example.img", package="AnalyzeFMRI"))
  a <- a[,,,1]
  contour3d(a, 1:64, 1:64, 1.5*(1:21), lev=c(3000, 8000, 10000),
            alpha = c(0.2, 0.5, 1), color = c("white", "red", "green"))

  # alternative masking out a corner
  m <- array(TRUE, dim(a))
  m[1:30,1:30,1:10] <- FALSE
  contour3d(a, 1:64, 1:64, 1.5*(1:21), lev=c(3000, 8000, 10000),
            mask = m, color = c("white", "red", "green"))
  contour3d(a, 1:64, 1:64, 1.5*(1:21), lev=c(3000, 8000, 10000),
            color = c("white", "red", "green"),
            color2 = c("gray", "red", "green"),
            mask = m, engine="standard",
            scale = FALSE, screen=list(z = 60, x = -120))
# }
  #Example 4: Separate the triangles from the contours of
  #           mixture of three tri-variate normal densities
  nmix3 <- function(x, y, z, m, s) {
      0.3*dnorm(x, -m, s) * dnorm(y, -m, s) * dnorm(z, -m, s) +
      0.3*dnorm(x, -2*m, s) * dnorm(y, -2*m, s) * dnorm(z, -2*m, s) +
      0.4*dnorm(x, -3*m, s) * dnorm(y, -3 * m, s) * dnorm(z, -3*m, s) }
  f <- function(x,y,z) nmix3(x,y,z,0.5,.1)
  n <- 20
  x <- y <- z <- seq(-2, 2, len=n)
  contour3dObj <- contour3d(f, 0.35, x, y, z, draw=FALSE, separate=TRUE)
  for(i in 1:length(contour3dObj))
      contour3dObj[[i]]$color <- rainbow(length(contour3dObj))[i]
# }

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