sim.dir <- file.path(find.package("bayesTFR"), "ex-data", "bayesTFR.output")
pred.dir <- file.path(getwd(), "exampleTFRpred")
# stores 10 trajectories out of 35 (1x(60-25)) into
# exampleTFRpred/predictions/ascii_trajectories.csv
tfr.predict(sim.dir=sim.dir, output.dir=pred.dir, use.tfr3=FALSE,
burnin=25, save.as.ascii=10, verbose=TRUE)
# stores all 35 trajectories into the current directory
convert.tfr.trajectories(dir=pred.dir, n="all", output.dir=".", verbose=TRUE)
# Note: If the output.dir argument in tfr.predict is omitted,
# call convert.tfr.trajectories with dir=sim.dir
# }
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