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surveyeditor (version 1.0)

cover: Cover page


Front and back cover page of the survey.


cover(type = c("front", "back"), content, col, size, loc, time = NULL)


To indicate if the cover is a front of a back cover page. If back page, time must be set. See Details for other differences.
Texts to be displayed in the slide. It can be a vector c( ) containing multiple items.
The colour of content hence its length must be the same as that of content.
The font size of content hence its length must be the same as that of content.
The vertical location of content. Must be a number within the interval [0,100]. Its length must be the same as that of content.
The time (in seconds) that the slide is displayed for. Works only type="back". See Details.


A slide is displayed on the graphic device and no output in the console.

Returning graphics of Examples

cover01.jpeg cover02.jpeg


If it is a front cover page (i.e. type="front") a green button is shown in the bottom of the slide to allow proceeding to the next slide. The reason that time only works for type="back" is that the back cover page closes in a few seconds so the entire survey program starts again for the next subject if the command repeat{} is used. For example, repeat{cover(type="front",...) identity(...) slide(...) slide(...) ... read.write(...) cover(type="back",time=10,...) }

See Also



Run this code
## Not run: cover(type="front",content=c("Inflation expectation experiment","Please wait
# for further instructions"),col=c("blue","black"),size=c(2.5,1.5),loc=c(60,30))## End(Not run)
## Not run: cover(type="back",content="This is the end of the survey\nThank you for your 
# participation",col="black",size=2,loc=70,time=3)## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab