Get or set the coordinate reference system (CRS), also referred to as a "projection" of a SpatRaster or SpatVector object.
Setting a new CRS does not change the data itself, it just changes the label. So you should only set the CRS of a dataset (if it does not come with one) to what it *is*, not to what you would *like it to be*. See project to *transform* spatial from one CRS to another.
# S4 method for SpatRaster
crs(x, proj4=FALSE)
# S4 method for SpatVector
crs(x, proj4=FALSE)
# S4 method for SpatRaster
crs(x, ...)<-value
# S4 method for SpatVector
crs(x, ...)<-value
SpatRaster or SpatVector
logical. If TRUE the crs is returned in PROJ.4 notation. But note that this notation now only supports the WGS84 and NAD83 datums
character string describing a coordinate reference system. This can be in a WKT format, as a EPSG code, or a PROJ.4 "+" format (but see Note)
# NOT RUN {r <- rast()
crs(r) <- "+proj=lcc +lat_1=48 +lat_2=33 +lon_0=-100 +ellps=WGS84"crs(r)
# You can also use epsg codescrs(r) <- "epsg:25831"# }