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fame (version 1.13)

currentPeriod: Current Period Time Indexes


Return a current ti of the desired frequency


currentWeek(xTi = today())
currentMonth(xTi = today())
currentQuarter(xTi = today())
currentHalf(xTi = today())
currentYear(xTi = today())
currentQ4(xTi = today())
currentQMonth(xTi = today())
currentJanuary(xTi = today())
currentFebruary(xTi = today())
currentMarch(xTi = today())
currentApril(xTi = today())
currentMay(xTi = today())
currentJune(xTi = today())
currentJuly(xTi = today())
currentAugust(xTi = today())
currentSeptember(xTi = today())
currentOctober(xTi = today())
currentNovember(xTi = today())
currentDecember(xTi = today())


a ti object or something that the ti() function can turn into a ti object


  • All return return ti objects as described in the details.


currentWeek returns the weekly ti for the week that its argument falls into. If the argument is itself a ti, the returned week contains the last day of the argument's period. The default weekly frequency is "wmonday" (Monday-ending weeks), so currentWeek always returns wmonday ti's. This can be changed via the setDefaultFrequencies function.

All of the other current{SomeFreq} functions work the same way, returning the ti's of tif SomeFreq that the last day of their arguments period falls into. The tif's for currentHalf and currentQ4 are "semiannual" and "quarterly", respectively. Finally, currentQMonth returns the quarter-ending month of the currentQuarter of its argument.

currentJanuary returns the monthly ti for January of the January-ending year that the last day of its argument falls into. currentFebruary returns the monthly ti for February of the February-ending year that the last day of its argument falls into, and so on.

See Also

ti, tif, latestWeek setDefaultFrequencies