## Not run:
# hc <- hclust(dist(USArrests[c(1,6,13,20, 23),]), "ave")
# dend <- as.dendrogram(hc)
# unbranch_dend <- unbranch(dend,2)
# cutree(hc, k=2:4) # on hclust
# cutree(dend, k=2:4) # on dendrogram
# cutree(hc, k=2) # on hclust
# cutree(dend, k=2) # on dendrogram
# cutree(dend, h = c(20, 25.5, 50,170))
# cutree(hc, h = c(20, 25.5, 50,170))
# # the default (ordered by original data's order)
# cutree(dend, k=2:3, order_clusters_as_data = FALSE)
# labels(dend)
# # as.hclust(unbranch_dend) # ERROR - can not do this...
# cutree(unbranch_dend, k = 2) # all NA's
# cutree(unbranch_dend, k = 1:4)
# cutree(unbranch_dend, h = c(20, 25.5, 50,170))
# cutree(dend, h = c(20, 25.5, 50,170))
# library(microbenchmark)
# ## this shows how as.hclust is expensive - but still worth it if possible
# microbenchmark(
# cutree(hc, k=2:4),
# cutree(as.hclust(dend), k=2:4),
# cutree(dend, k=2:4),
# cutree(dend, k=2:4, try_cutree_hclust=FALSE)
# )
# # the dendrogram is MUCH slower...
# # Unit: microseconds
# ## expr min lq median uq max neval
# ## cutree(hc, k = 2:4) 91.270 96.589 99.3885 107.5075 338.758 100
# ## tree(as.hclust(dend),
# ## k = 2:4) 1701.629 1767.700 1854.4895 2029.1875 8736.591 100
# ## cutree(dend, k = 2:4) 1807.456 1869.887 1963.3960 2125.2155 5579.705 100
# ## cutree(dend, k = 2:4,
# ## try_cutree_hclust = FALSE) 8393.914 8570.852 8755.3490 9686.7930 14194.790 100
# # and trying to "hclust" is not expensive (which is nice...)
# microbenchmark(
# cutree_unbranch_dend = cutree(unbranch_dend, k=2:4),
# cutree_unbranch_dend_not_trying_to_hclust =
# cutree(unbranch_dend, k=2:4, try_cutree_hclust=FALSE)
# )
# ## Unit: milliseconds
# ## expr min lq median uq max neval
# ##cutree_unbranch_dend 7.309329 7.428314 7.494107 7.752234 17.59581 100
# ##cutree_unbranch_dend_not
# ##_trying_to_hclust 6.945375 7.079198 7.148629 7.577536 16.99780 100
# ##There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
# # notice that if cutree can't find clusters for the desired k/h, it will produce 0's instead!
# # (It will produce a warning though...)
# # This is a different behaviout than stats::cutree
# # For example:
# cutree(as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(c(1,1,1,2,2)))),
# k=5)
# ## End(Not run)
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