mod <- computeModules(memmott1999)
cz <- czvalues(mod)
plot(cz[[1]], cz[[2]], pch=16, xlab="c", ylab="z", cex=0.8, xlim=c(0,1), las=1)
abline(v=0.62) # threshold of Olesen et al. 2007
abline(h=2.5) # dito
text(cz[[1]], cz[[2]], names(cz[[1]]), pos=4, cex=0.7)
# example for computing a c- or z-threshold:
mod <- computeModules(Safariland)
czobs <- czvalues(mod)
nulls <- nullmodel(Safariland, N=10) # this should be larger, of course
null.mod.list <- sapply(nulls, computeModules)
null.cz <- lapply(null.mod.list, czvalues)
# compute 95<!-- % CI for c and z: -->
null.cs <- sapply(null.cz, function(x) x$c) # c-values across all species in nulls
quantile(null.cs, 0.95)
# this could now serve as thresholds for identifying particularly uncommonly high c-values
# and analogously for z, of course
# }
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